Eden crossed her arms, staring at the woman, who claimed to be Louisa Peterson,
skeptically. "You know, he never mentioned a sister."

"We weren't exactly close." She simply explained, glancing at the floor.

"Probably why he never spoke of you." Eden shrugged, giving her a frown. She could sense Louisa's scowl. "Meaning... you should probably leave."

"Certainly. After I speak with Dominic, and bring him with me." Louisa cocked her head to the side, her expression remaining emotionless.

"So that why you're here? Guilt?" Eden let out a breathless chuckle, before giving Louisa a playful frown. "How tragic."

"Where is Dominic?" Louisa quickly continued, ignoring Eden's childish manner, that she had been well aware of before hand; From very trusty sources.

"Oh, didn't I make it clear? I'm not helping you." Eden responded, her joking demeanor turning serious.

Louisa's lips curl up to a mischievous smile. Eden watched carefully unsure of what she may do. "You're siblings were right. You are very naive, indeed."

Eden was taken back by Louisa's comment. She had heard about her siblings for years... and she presumed them to be dead. "What are you talking about?"

"Your siblings. You do remember them right?" Louisa rhetorically asked, with a smile. "The ones you let burn in the fire. They barely made it out alive."

"Well, they were collateral damage. It happens." Eden shrugged off, hopping not to expose her shock on hearing they were alive. Alive and breathing — and who knew what they wanted.

They had spent a far longer time with their parents, meaning they'd adapt to their opinions about Eden — and she knew they weren't great thoughts the had about her. Especially with Eden being their parents murder, that would only add fuel to a very dangerous fire.

"Is that how you see it?" Louisa asked, beginning to circle around Eden tauntingly. "You don't care who get hurt, at least if you're satisfied, right?"

Eden stayed quite as Louisa shifted to stand before Eden. "This is the exact reason why I came here."

     "Your a monster, Eden. Completely out of control when others don't abide to you." Louisa continued on.

"And you don't care if others get hurt." Louisa watched as Eden eyes shifted to the side, avoiding Louisa's glare. "Since Dominic is very close to you, I'm trying to save him from your manic ways. Before he gets hurt as well."

"Save him?" Eden defensively repeated. Offended by the thought of her every hurting Dominic. At least she thought she never would. "He has always had a choice—"

"—Are you sure?" Louisa intervened, her eyebrows furrowed. "I mean a person with your power... anyone would be intimidated into submission."

"What's your point?" Eden sneered, becoming irritated with Louisa's claims and comments against Eden. Only made her want to snap her neck more.

"I only want to get my brother back, and away from you." Louisa simply spoke, her arms sightly up in retaliation.

"I don't want to fight you, Eden. We can be civil about this."

"Sorry to break it to you... that won't be happening." Eden muttered, glancing up to Louisa. Eden twisted her wrist to the side, hearing the familiar crack in Louisa's neck.

     Louisa fell on the pavement, unconscious. Eden let out a shaky sigh. Between finding out Dominic had a sister, to her siblings still being alive, Eden's heart was raving — overwhelmed.

     Eden bent down, pulling off the necklace still clasped around Louisa Peterson's neck. She held it in the palm of her hand.

Eden hated tot admit it, but it feared her what her siblings may do to her. Having been saved from the fire — there was no doubt they've been plotting on their revenge after what Eden did. A century worth of loath and grief against Eden — of course they'd finally enact on their revenge.

Eden was worried about who may get hurt in the crossfire, and what that may mean for herself as well.


Eden sat on the couch, her feet crunched beside her. The crackling of the fire, and the heat coming from the fireplace kept her warm. After unwittingly meeting with Dominic's sister, Eden was left to process everything she heard.

     It felt frightening to carry the information of a potential threat against Dominic and herself. Yet, what worried her most was Dominic had not shared any information of a family before — and Eden was certain these news would affect him most.

Dominic handed Eden a cup of tea, as she muttered a small thanks. Dominic sat beside her on the couch, letting out a relieved sigh.

"I have a question..." Eden spoke, turning to glance at Dominic. He gave her a small nod, indicating to continue.

"You never talked about your family... how were they?" Eden questioned softly — in hopes to not raise any red flags to her apparent questions.

Dominic stared at the fire in thought, before inhaling a deep breathe. "My parents were bakers."

"I remember them baking as a child. Although the money was never enough they were happy..." Dominic reminisced, with a joyful sight in his eyes remembering the dulcet memories of before turning. How innocent and sweet they were.

"I had an older sister. She married a jerk to try and help our parents... but he distant her from us." Dominic lowered his hand, picking on the skin on the side of his thumb.

"She turned me..." Dominic muttered. Eden glanced at him. His eyes had matched his frown. Full of bad memories and hardships.

"I woke up in a cottage, and she explained how she found me. Hardly breathing. The only solution she saw was turning me." He explained, occasionally looking at his friend who gave him a sincere smile.

"She didn't help much after... I mean you know the story." He indicated to him being sent to the sanitarium because of his blood-lust, that Eden had helped him overcome.

Eden could see that talking about his family brought back a apart of him that was buried deep beneath the surface. It physically hurt him mentioning them. Eden sensed the familiar feeling in the aroma around them.

"What was her name?" Eden questioned carefully. Although it hurt her to seem him in this estate, she had to find answers if she wanted to prevent the danger that may come.

"Louisa Peterson."

A/N: ONE SIBLING DOWN, TWO TO GO! although i must admit... it not a rather good thing. i'm excited and worried for these new characters, but it most definitely be the most interesting chapters. anyways bby eden and dominic makes me soft. I LOVE YOU ALL


𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓,  klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now