The Lost Survival

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I was in the airplane with the rest of my classmates heading out to Antarctica. "Heads up everyone, if you look down you will be seeing ANTARCTICA, so make sure to wear your comfy jackets," exclaimed the Pilot. A little after 10 mins we reached, we were getting out of the plane and I saw my friend Jason slipping right on the ice, I laughed  as a joke but our teacher got our attention back. Our whole class had a huge smile on their faces as they saw the great white snow and huge icebergs. As the sun sets, we set up our tents and get ready for the night which we were all looking forward to. All of us saw up the glaring stars in the sky, suddenly I notice a beautiful green glow up in the sky. Just then, I hold onto Jason's hand asking him to get a camera and we scream together " The Northern Lights".It looked heavenly, it was stunning to see them right in front of our eyes. Oh! What a feast to the eyes.

It was December 19, we were getting ready to leave, my teacher told everyone that we could have some free time but asked us not to go too far away. Me and Jason had a snowball fight and went slipping on the nearby hill, time passed and we later realized that we had to leave so we came back to the designated spot as she said, and found no one was there! My heart just skipped for a moment thinking that we got lost but thankfully I saw my teacher. As I approached, it was the old lady with the dark wrinkled up face and a mole on her egregiously fat nose who had welcomed us earlier when we first came, as Jason asked her where everyone else was? She whimpered to us that everyone left in the big old plane. I and Jason were now stranded in the icy continent left alone, as we walked deeper into Antarctica, we found a nice snowy place to rest on, I suddenly felt a huge pile of snow on my face and saw the wind blowing towards us.

I curiously check where was the wind blowing from. I see huge chunks of snow blowing towards us and I later found out it was a snow storm heading towards us, we got closer together trying to get warmer. While later, there was a brief silence of this catastrophe, I started to shovel and managed to find rocks to put a fire on. While I was doing this, I find five polar bears right in front of my face, as they were circling me with an evil eye and sharp teeth ready to catch me and chomp my head off, I was greatly confident that I would be able to survive this if I just run away when I look at the right-hand side of me, I see Jason trembling and praying with fear, they started to charge at us as they were 5 feet away from me, I said STOPPPPP! and they listened, We both looked at each other and said, "Is this true?," then I told them to jump and all the polar bears jumped, I later learned that I could talk to animals. Jason tells me to use them as food hunters so that they could hunt the food and bring it to us and I agreed. "Polar Bears go get something for me and Jason to eat," as they came to me with a dead fish I burned it up and let it fry, now we both ate it, although we didn't like it we had to handle it.

A few hours after I see Jason feeling sick and throwing up, he fell right down on the ice. I checked to see if his heart was beating but it wasn't and Jason was just laying down, I tried my best I could do but he wasn't waking up, then I remembered he was allergic to seafood. I was in tears thinking about why I went away from the plane, but I remembered I had to stay strong so I got up and started to think about what to do next. I told the Polar Bears to fetch some fish and get the Penguins skin, a few hours later I build a boat with all of these materials and reach into my big backpack and grab out the compass, I say bye to the Polar Bears and head out, while I was in the middle of the sea, I see a helicopter in the air, I try to get the attention of it and finally achieve it, it lowers down and sends a ladder from it, I get out of the boat slowly and as I am on the ladder I remember about my home thinking my parents will be relieved. I finally get on and tell the pilot the place I stay and in relief. As he slowly drops me off at the police station I can see the whole city in bright shining light and all the cars driving by, as the police officer asks me politely what happened, I am slowly licking my frostbite and shaking my legs from the cold I tell them, they suddenly don't believe me, as I was at the end I told them that's the end. "Can you please take take mee hom home," I said shivering. They finally said Ok and I was back at home. I was looking out the window at my school. Finally, we get back home at 9:30 and I ring the doorbell. I see my mom and dad at the door worried and asking where I have been. I respond innocently and tell them the whole story on what happened,both of them froze for a second and it was like they were a statue after they heard

-The End

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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