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If I don't move or think for long enough

I lose feeling in my hands

and legs

and body.

I don't feel my fingertips and the texture of skin.

My bed disappears and I'm floating in a useless nothingness.

My skin goes quiet while my mind races.

Have I lost those appendages?

Can I ever get them back?

If I lose the feeling for long enough, it feels

like I'll never regain them.

I lay frozen for too long and my limbs disappear.

I am only my mind and I hate that, too.

If I ever manage to quiet my brain,

I can feel completely numb.

Completely at peace.

The silence is nice but so rare and so futile.

The quiet is too nice to allow, it seems.

My head is filled to the brim with energy and ideas and

I can't get any of it out when my body is paralyzed.

Maybe that's the freedom I like,

to be frozen in time for the short while I can be.

It's just me and my mind and my body is numb.

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