11. Consequence of Neglect

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She sadly walked from class to class, her bag over her shoulder and her fingers picking off the pink nail polish on her nails.

She was supposed to receive a letter today, a letter from her parents, but nothing had arrived yet.

She hoped it would come in at lunch, maybe by then her nerves would've been calm.

She was scared it wouldn't come. It wouldn't be the first time her parents forgot to send a letter on the days Rosalie wrote on their calendar back at home.

She wrote reminders like, 'write Rosalie today' or, 'send an owl to Rose'.

They worked sometimes, but Rosalie figured they saw the reminders but didn't bother to act on them.

She walked into the Potions classroom, putting on a small smile when she saw George sat at his desk.

She hadn't seen much of him today, that's one of the reasons she hated Tuesday's.

"Miss Hunter, maybe if you stopped staring at Mr. Weasley, you would be able to find your seat," Snape growled, standing up from his desk.

Rosie went red when George turned around, smiling shyly at her, and she quickly looked away and sat at her spot besides Hannah Abbott.

"I wasn't staring," Rosie tried to defend to Hannah, although Hannah didn't care.

"I believe you," Hannah chuckled, taking out her Potions book.

Rosie did the same, letting a relieved breath as if Hannah was the only person who needed to know that she wasn't staring at George (which she totally was).

"Today, we are brewing a simple Antidote to common Potions," Snape explained, "There are only three ingredients, but it must be brewed perfectly to be able to use... page 19, get started!"

"I'll get the ingredients," Rosie mumbled, looking down at her book as she walked towards the ingredient wall.

4 mistletoe berries, threads of a unicorns horn-

Rosie suddenly bumped into someone much taller than her, and she blushed when she looked up and they turned around.

"Sorry, George," she muttered, walking to stand beside him. "I wasn't looking where I was going..."

"It's okay," he smiled reassuringly, "Here." He handed her four mistletoe berries, "I grabbed too many on accident..."

Truth was, he grabbed eight on purpose.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"How has your day been?" She asked him as she continued to grab her ingredients.

"Better now," he whispered, smiling as he saw Rosies cheeks heat up. "You?"

She shrugged, "Dimmer than usual..."

"How come?" George asked, handing her the small box with the unicorn horn threads.

"Just waiting on-"

"Would you two stop conversing and get to work?!" Snape suddenly yelled from behind them, making them both jump.

"Sorry Professor..." they both muttered, quickly grabbing their ingredients and rushing to their seats.

For the rest of class, the two kept stealing glances at one another, like they did in every class they had together, and they would both blush madly when they caught each other.

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