Chapter Twenty-One: New York State of Mind

Start from the beginning

"Coast is clear," Tony confirmed. 

I teleported once more, placing myself beside him. We both watched as our former selves were taking care of everything with Loki. I resisted the urge to go back inside that twisted mind. I knew if I even took a peek he'd feel my presence and the gig would be up. 

"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here," Tony informed Steve as the 2012 versions of ourselves were quickly bringing things to an end. 

I almost audibly gasped at my old self, I knew seeing my old arm would be weird but I wasn't prepared to see myself so... so hopeful. This was before everything in Washington. This was right before I found out about Hydra. This was before I knew about Tony's parents. This was before Thanos ripped our worlds apart. I had just kissed Steve not long before this. I had helped a huge superhero team kick the shit out of the bad guy. Things were looking up at this moment. You could see it in my eyes. 

But, I was brought out of my shock quickly when I saw 2012 Steve walk past us. He looked different here too. His world hadn't been completely torn apart yet either. Something that I brought to him.  

"Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass," Tony said, bringing me back to reality. 

"No one asked you to look, Tony," Steve commented back. 

"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass," Scott defended Steve. 

"I also think you have a nice ass," I added in. 

"Thanks, hun," Steve replied and I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"Excuse me while I barf," Tony said sarcastically. 

"You brought it up." 

"Who gets the, uh, magic wand?" 2012 Natasha asked everyone, waving around the scepter. I looked at it directly, it almost felt like it was calling to me. Like I was in a spell, my eyes wouldn't come off of it. It felt like it was whispering to me. 

"STRIKE team's coming to secure it," 2012 Tony informed everyone. 

Then, as if on cue, Rumlow, Stillwell, and their team came rolling out of the elevator. The all-black ensemble and nasty looks permanently etched on their faces should have really clued us in sooner.

"We can take that off your hands," Stillwell said, taking it from Natasha. Even as he passed it off to her, my eyes wouldn't unlock from the stone. 

"Who are these guys?" Scott asked us, bringing me out of the trance for a moment. 

"They're SHIELD," Tony said. 

"Well, actually they're Hydra. But we didn't know that yet," I informed him. 

"Seriously, you didn't? I mean...they look like bad guys," Scott said, stating what now seemed obvious. 

"You're small but talking loudly," Tony said to him. 

As they bickered for a moment, the calling came back and my eyes wandered to the staff. 

"Earth to Morgan," Tony said, nudging me.

"Uh yeah, what's up?" I whispered. 

"You ready? You said your 2012 self was sneaking out at this time, you're going to have to get in there and get on that elevator."

"Where'd ya go anyways and why didn't they notice?" Scott asked innocently.

"Let's just say some old memories resurfaced and I needed a moment to filter my thoughts," I told him, giving the short answer. I was really going to pack all my stuff so I could get the hell out of dodge before I lost my mind over the revelation that Hydra was behind my past. Although, I ended up stopping myself from running off alone, I went to find Steve once I calmed down. But, at that moment I felt like I didn't deserve to be there anymore, feeling tainted from my past and I slipped away from the celebration. 

"And they didn't notice you leave?" he asked.

"She was a little on the broody side," Tony commented.

"Right," I muttered, rolling my eyes. 


I elbowed him, before pointing out that they were putting the Tesseract away. 

"Scott you're up," I instructed.

"Getting in position," Scott said. "Alright. Flick me."

"And, I should be slipping out, right about..." I trailed off, watching my 2012 self back towards the door slowly, then suddenly I slipped out. "Now." 

"Good luck," Tony said. 

"You too." 

Then, the next part of our mission commenced. 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now