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So...I've unpublished everything. You may be wondering what is going on?

Well, I'm in the process of rewriting the series at the moment. I felt if I rewrite one of the earlier chapters, a lot of you aren't going to go back to reread it, no matter how important that new information is.

This is a lot easier for me, so there won't be any confusion from new readers who are reading in the middle of the updating. It will also help me keep up with continuity, since I can go through all the chapters at once and mark down what doesn't make sense and stuff like that.

I know a lot of you have been waiting for me to publish the ending for part one. That is probably the biggest reason for this huge revamp. I had the ending planned out and mostly written since 2021, but after rereading the series, I realized the ending didn't go with the rest of the series. I also realized how inconsistent the story is (tbh, who the fuck is reading a wattpad story and not expecting at least one plot hole.)

It was so hard trying to rewrite the series ending when I had ended the last chapter on such a weird part, and the story took such a left turn at some point. I truly don't know where I went completely off left field, and decided to make Tundra a fucking god of destruction and death, but I did.

I also don't know when I decided to completely ignore Endeavor's canon characterization, but I did. I was trying to make Endeavor's personality in this book similar to Dabi's, so you can see where Dabi got some of his mannerism, but I guess I went with fandom Dabi, because I truly don't know who the fuck I based Enji off of because it sure as hell ain't canon Dabi.

The only character I felt I did right by was Sub-Zero and All Might of all people. Hell, even the Mortal
Kombat stuff in the book doesn't make a lot of sense. Basically the story went off the rails and I came back to a complete train wreck of a story with too many plotlines and a inconsistent villain. Enji wasn't very Yandere and I don't know how I got that so wrong.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant. Love you guys and thank you for all the reads. I'll have the chapters back up within the end of 2023, and hopefully the story will make more sense. If not, that means I gave up completely and we just gonna start anew from the part one ending. 🤷🏾‍♀️

TLDR: I unpublished the book to rewrite it.

Also, I'm a Shigaraki stan now, so I might post Shiggy content for shits and giggles.

Edit: For some reason, Wattpad reuploaded the entire book when I logged in through the app? Idk, but this should be the only chapter up at the moment.

Edit: Didn't proof read this note, so I am re-editing it.

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