Jubilee Line

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I made sure to confirm with Tommy what time we were going to leave Wilbur's house. We both decided to leave at 4am, which y'know either means I will have to deal with Tommy falling asleep, or Tommy having to keep me awake. I mean it'll probably be the first one, I have decided to drink every caffeinated drink in the facility.

Mostly because my body isn't affected by most caffeinated items, so if i can find atleast one I should be okay.

I made sure Tommy had packed his things, as I knew he was the sort of person to literally leave it till 5 minutes before we leave.

I hope mother dearest does not mind if we wake her up when we get back. Ehh.

Shit I need to get everyones contacts still.

"Ayo whores, add me to a groupchat or something so i can get everyones numbers" I announce in the lounge. Considering I've only known these people a couple days i feel like i've gotten quite close to them.

I get added to a groupchat,

The Best people in the world

- 07395101998 was added

Tomathy: Fuck off

Awwwh I love you too😍

WilbyScoot: hi y/n


After watching a few random tv shows I look at the time and realise me and Tommy should probably head off. I announce to everyone that it's time for us to leave

"awww i'm going to miss you guys!" Niki said whilst hugging me then Tommy.

We say bye and hug each person.

"I'll take care of our son" I chuckle whilst hugging Wilbur. He laughs back and me and Tommy then leave his house.

I hear Tommy sigh "It's okay Tommy I'll take you to see them again soon" secretly wanting to meet with them again as well.

We head in the car and seeing as I chose the music on the way here I let Tommy choose the music as he looked sad as fuck.

Surprisingly I liked the songs he put on.

"What's this called?" I ask whilst humming along with the melody.

"Jubilee Line" Tommy replied with a smirk.

"It's good, who's it by?" I ask

I look towards his face to see him grinning "Wilbur"

I look at him in shock, bitches never told me he had talent??

"So you're telling me, you held this ultimate sounding song from me what the fuck" I laugh

I make Tommy play the song again, I see him whip out his phone whilst i'm mid performance because for some reason i pick up songs fucking quick.

I guess he's taking a video of me singing, that of course is not going to stop me from an incredible act.

"THERES A REASON" I shout still managing to keep the car in control.

I hear Tommy laugh as I finish the song "What are you laughing at dickhead?" I say to him slightly out of breath due to the singing.

Suddenly on cue, my phone pings, I look at the notification to see a message in the groupchat.

The best people in the world

Tomathy: Insert Video

Tomathy: Wilbur how do you feel

Tomathy: Y/N is screaming the lyrics to Jubilee line in the car it is horrifying.

WilbyScoot: I think they sound mega cool Tommy

Tomathy: Wrong

WilbyScoot: I've never been wrong about anything u little shit

FurryFundy: Just here to say my father has never been wrong. Definitely

I mean, I probably sound like a dying racoon in the video. But honestly who even gives two shades of shit anymore. Although I will say if I'm with anyone who I think would judge me I definitely would not be this confident.

Somehow shortly after me screaming the lyrics, Tommy managed to fall asleep. Which to be honest is quite shocking considering I was in one of my weird conversation moods. Like if I trust you in the slightest, suddenly I will talk about any random shit. Which either goes 3 ways, the person thinks i'm bat shit crazy, or they join the conversation, or the worse option, they stare at me a bit, judge me and then proceed to just not like me as a person. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience cough cough.

I decide to wake Tommy up 15 minutes before we get home. I don't want to have to be sat on the driveway poking him with a stick or some shit. That also may catch the attention of the dogs and what we don't want happening is the dogs barking as Tommy and I are stood there with our bags at 7am. Only to be greeted by mother dearest herself in a fucking dressing gown.

Although I will say she has no reason to be annoyed with us and so pushy for us to get home after 2 days. I am literally an adult. It's not like Tommy was alone. And to be honest you'd kind of think she'd want us to spend longer away considering all me and Tommy do is stay in our bedrooms away from the world. They don't care as much about Tommy spending time in his room as he's the one that makes money.

But since Jared and I split up, she is desperate for me to actually find someone to be with when it's really not her business. Brain, you need to shutup I don't want to think about the dickhead.

We finally arrive home, Tommy and I carry our stuff out of the car and I practically silently unlock the front door and we head inside. We both manage to get up the stairs without making to much sound. We look at eachother and smile and proceed to separate into our own bedrooms.

I put my headphones on, get into bed, and listen to Wilbur's music until I fall asleep.

Authors note: I apologise for not updating in like 3 weeks, I've just been busy and not really had motivation (Apart from now as it's 1am and I just downed two coffees haha) also I wrote this chapter and wattpad had the audacity to delete it. Like damn this feels like a hatecrime /j, anyways stay hydrated and shit!!!

1035 words

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