Your sister was Right

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After devouring the mcdonalds I bought, we finally arrived at the seaside town. This is when I realised Tommy never told me where we were meeting them and he was fast asleep like the child he is.

I grab his phone, after pulling over, don't wanna text and drive, and I click on the first name I recognised: BIG MAN WILBUR SOOT, now this does seem a little over the top for a contact name but i'm hoping this dudes not a murderer. Plus he's only like 2 years older then me so it won't be like i'm talking to a foetus.

I ring the phone and after 3 rings I hear a "Tommy, what have I told you about using my actual number" uh well now I have to respond what the fuck do i do

"uh hi, as you can probably tell this isnt Tommy, it's his sister y/n and I was just wondering where I need to park and shit cause Tommy is fast asleep, like weirdly unconscious but y'know you gotta take advantage of every time the little shit is quiet, all he does is speak utter shit - oh shit I think hes waking up" I quickly ramble

"Oh uh- hi y/n and I was thinking we should all meet at my place, and also you are very correct I bet having him 24/7 is difficult"

"Okay! Send me your address, oh shit he's awakening, uh, hi Tomster, have a nice nap? uh who am I talking to you ask? uh I'm talking to myself, uh yeah bye bye voices in my head" I quickly state ending the call.

"Why do you have my phone?" he looks at me with a suspicious look. I go to answer his question but he just manages to distract himself.

"Can we turn this wank music off?" he says in a grumpy tone, obviously annoyed from not getting enough sleep, that was his fault though so I decide to just make it more annoying, as i'm a great big sister.

I turn the music to full volume and scream the lyrics of sweater weather. Tommy only groaned in response.

"How dare you disrespect the bisexual culture you whore."  I make sure to turn the volume up.

The next song was female robbery, and even though we had already pulled up, I can't leave a song unfinished. So I screamed the lyrics to female robbery at the top of my lungs sitting in a non moving vehicle. I was nearly finished singing when I slightly turned my head and saw a tall man standing at the window. This did slightly alarm me as you can imagine.

"DEAR FUCKING JESUS CHRIST" I screeched when my vision caught the man.

I slowly wind the window down, like in one of those awkward films.

"hi there, uh don't mind me i'm just here, you sometimes just gotta scream the songs to take away the demons, y'know" I chuckle.

"I get you, you gotta watch out for those pesky demons, its good to see someone taking the good ol scream the demons away strategy, oh and hi Tommy" the man I presume to be Wilbur chuckles.

After that questionable meeting, he leads us into his house. Everyone arrived slightly earlier then us, so they were just chilling in the lounge.

They all saw me and i guess they were confused as I'm pretty sure Tommy didn't inform everyone I was coming with. I decided i was going to throw away my social anxiety and just introduce myself like normal people do. Well atleast try.

"Hey, I'm y/n, uh and I'm guessing Tommy didn't tell you guys that his cooler, hotter older sister was coming with" I say emphasising on the cooler. As someone who shields their insecurities with big fake confidence, it's my only form of self preservation, this seems like an okay introduction I guess.

I look around the room, man were minecraft players always this cool? I swear none of them looked this cool a few years ago.

"I know we spoke earlier and shit but I'm Wilbur incase you didn't get"

"Hey! I'm Niki" A girl with really cute eyeliner said.

"hi i'm David, otherwise known as Wilbur's roommate"

"hey y/n, I know we've met before and stuff so I thought i'd just say hi" Toby said with a grin.

"Hi i'm Fundy" A cool accented man spoke.

"hiya, I'm Phil" A sweet looking man grinned.

"And I'm Kristin" The woman sitting next to Phil smiled.

They all seen really cool to be honest, a lot cooler then i was expecting, although to be fair i was expecting a bunch of nerdy 16 year olds soooo.

"Willlllburrrrr" Tommy said like a toddler.

"Yes Tommyyyyyy" Wilbur replied in the same tone.

"Can we go to the beach?" Tommy's eyes lit up, we didn't go to the beach that often at home, and whenever we did it wasn't really that enjoyable.

"Sure, we can go now if you want, its like a 5 - 10 minute walk from here"

We all agreed it'd be a good activity and headed off, cause the pavement was quite narrow, we walked in pairs, a bit like a school trip but we'll ignore that. As Tommy wanted to be with Toby, understandable, I had the awkwardness of finding someone who didn't look like they'd judge me if I ramble or anything. Eventually we decided  the pairs were: Tommy and Toby, Phil and Kristin, Niki, Fundy and David, then me and Wilbur.

Seeing as I didn't really know him that well we started to talk about what him, Tommy and the others actually do when they stream.

I knew they played on a Minecraft server, but that was it.

"So it sounds really strange at first, but basically we roleplay in Minecraft, but like with political parties and wars and shit" He says in a voice I can tell was slightly anxious that i'd think it was really weird. I mean it did sound slightly strange but sounds fun at the same time.

"That seems cool as fuck" I chuckle, I could hear the relief flood into his laughter.

"Y'know you're a lot taller then you sound, does that make sense? I mean it might and if not oops" I ask.

"Yeah it makes sense, and also I am 6'5, apparently Tommy is 6'3 but somehow I don't believe him"

"Yeah. I mean I'm 5'4, it's quite annoying how all the tall genes in our family went to him and not me, I mean I don't think he's 6'3 either but even still he's tall" I was about to carry on when Tommy interrupted me

"I heard that bitch, I don't lie about my height"

We arrived at the beach shortly after that, me and Wilbur spent the whole time just kind of talking about our childhoods and life in general.

Me and Wilbur were just standing slightly away from everyone and I wanted to check something

"Tommy come here" I slightly shout

"What is it, me and Toby are about to destroy the ocean"

"Come stand back to back with Will" I didn't mean to say Will, it just kind of happened, I hope he doesn't mind.

"Wilbur you've gone red like a tomato" Tommy said in a teasing tone.

"No I haven't, shut up Tommy" He replied quickly

They eventually stood back to back and I took a photo to show them.

"Tommy, I hate to say it, who am I kidding I love to say it but, I think your sister was right, you definitely lie about your height" Will said laughing.

"NO I DONT" He screeched, almost deafening all of us.

"Im going to destroy the ocean with Toby now."

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