"6am" He replied holding out his hand towards me.

I groaned in response grabbing his hand as he led us out of his small house and down a little side street. Severus apparated us both back to the manor but I felt a bit sick as I started to remember the dark lord will be waiting for us. All I wanted was to see my friends and to tell them everything will be fine and to tell them everything.
I stopped still in one place frozen my legs not wanting to move, I felt a lump form in my throat.

"Celia Come, it will be alright" Severus murmured gesturing me to follow him.

I nodded as I followed Severus into the manor the door creaking open as we entered.
We silently sat down onto the two spare seats which were next to each other and awaited for the dark lord.

"So the deed is done" His voice emerged behind once again.
"Yes my lord" Severus replied showing no emotion.

The dark lord then let out a high chuckle as he made his way around the table gripping his wand twirling it around his boney fingers.

"Celia you also proved yourself. Well done you make a loyal servant" he drawled.

"Thank you My lord" I bowed my head slightly.

"Severus you shall be appointed the new head of Hogwarts i can persuade the Ministry in certain." He paused "ways" he carried on looking down at his wand.

"Yes my lord" Severus spoke again.

"where is the boy" The dark lord questioned, I assumed he was talking about poor old Harry.

"a safe house. Most likely the home of someone in the order. I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible, once there it will be impractical to attack him" Severus explained towards the dark lord.

Bellatrix then cleared her throat "My lord" she whispered "I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy"

A sudden scream was heard through the manor making my body stiffen.

"WORMTAIL" The dark lord Shouted causing my body to jolt a little.
"What have I told you about keeping our guest quiet" he added.

"Yes My lord, sorry my lord" the rat looking man replied scurrying away from the room in a hurry.

"As inspiring as I find your blood lust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill the boy" The dark lord said making his way around the table looking into the palm of his hand were he was holding his wand.

"But I face an unfortunate complication that my wand and Potters share the same core. They are in some way twins. We can wound but not fatally injury one another. If I am to kill him I must use another's wand." He spoke ghostly walking around the table sliding his hands over each chair.

"Surely one of you would like the honor. Hm"
"What about you Lucius" He asked.

My father turned his head muttering a quiet "What" in surprise.

"I require your wand" The dark lord told him putting out his hand.

My father handed it to him his hands were quite shaky. The dark lord slid his hands over it before snapping it in half causing my father to jump slightly. Me and Severus just stared at this all happening i gritted my teeth trying to compose myself.

Then he pointed it at a women floating down the middle of the table, I noticed her but wasn't quite sure how.

"We are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage, who until recently taught at hogwarts, her specialty was Muggle studies"
An echo of chuckled filled around the room as she continued floating towards the end of the table me and Severus was sat at.

"It is her belief that muggles are not so different from us. She would given her way have us mate with them"
Voices of disgust flung in the air as people laughed.

"To her the mixture of magical and muggle blood is not an abomination but something to be encouraged"

"S- S - Severus- S- Severus Please..., Were friends" She whined through half breaths as she was struggling to breath.
I saw Severus tense up as she looked at him. All I wanted was to embrace him and tell him everything was going to be alright but I knew that I would be lying if I said that.

"Avada Kedavra" The dark lord yelled pointing his wand at her making her slam down onto the table making my jump. Severus lowered his head slightly and I saw draco closing his eyes as she lay lifeless on the table.

"Nagini...dinner" he hummed as a large snake slid its way down the table I held my breath as it slithered past us everyone took their hands of the table to avoid it.
The snake aggressively lunged at the women.

"Everyone may leave for now" The dark lord explained.


"Severus w- what happens now" I asked wiping a tear from my cheek as I stood in the hallway of his small house.

"The war...is coming" he replied emotionless.

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