feeding the little bee

Start from the beginning

Whirl: HEY WAIT! uh sir? she got of my grasp THEN STARTED TO RUN! where do you think she ran off to?

The other recruits: * is getting worried for the safety of the little sparkling*


Bumblebee: * is worried just enough for her safety but knows the place she really wants to go*

Bumblebee: I think I know follow me recruits! 

Meanwhile the little sparkling actually manages to get lost and finds herself next to Heatwave's office

Heatwave: *doing some work on the computer and doesn't realize that she went  into his office*

she doesn't know what else to do so comes pretty close to Heatwave and pulls his leg

Heatwave: Hm? *looks down* oh hello there little one. *picks her up* wonder where Bumblebee is, if he knew she would come here he should of already came here. eh I'll keep her here and probably should com him to tell him she's here *coms bee*

Bumblebee: Excuse me recruits (talking to heatwave) oh where is she? we're looking for her right now! OH YOU HAVE HER?! THANK PRIMUS I THOUGHT I LOST HER  I thought she would actually go to the courtyard because of the flowers! I guess she got lost, silly me. I'm going to pick her up right now.

Hotshot: did you find her? did one of the teachers tell you or something?

Bumblebee: Yeah I found her she's in Heatwave's office! She must have gotten lost attempting to find the courtyard im going to go get her.

back to the little pipsqueak, the scent of the flower has growth stronger now and is now attempting to get out of heatwave's grasp but her attempt of escape is unsuccessful. 

Heatwave: *notices her trying to escape from his grasp* the smell of the flowers has growth more huh? maybe your just REALLY hungry. Yeah I think that's the case. Ima have to tell bumblebee abou- oh hey bee! here she is, she was attempting to escape from my grasp. she is probably hungry and wants something  to eat. 

Bumblebee: Yeah probably what do bees eat anyways?

Heatwave: I don't know to be honest 

Bumblebee: I'm going to go and ask Cody he has been on earth more then us! I bet he would have the answer

The Sparkling was handed over to Bumblebee, she was pretty annoyed that she is getting passed around like that.she prefers to be with bumblebee most of the time, she was just very hungry at the time so she had attempted to to go the courtyard! but we all know how THAT turned out. 

Cody: * notices Bumblebee walking to him* oh hey bee what's up?

Bumblebee : I'm fine, its just that this little pipsqueak is pretty hungry I wanted to know what bees eat so that I can feed her

Cody: oh bees eat sugar-water, and honey! but in this case maybe filtered  Energon and sugar-water?

Bumblebee: that sounds like a good idea can I leave her with you so I can get the stuff to feed her?

Cody: sure! 

Cody: OK now that I have you * gently rubs her belly* you must be pretty hungry right about now huh? I still remember you STEALING my bottle of honey for my french toast! I forgive you now I know you just wanted a little snack 

She liked getting her belly rubbed it felt calming to her, she was also waiting for bumblebee with the food.

Bumblebee: *comes back with a bottle of filtered Energon mixed with some sugarwater*there we go! Blades helped me out with formula

Cody: wow your REALLY starting to act like a dad now, bee

Bumblebee: I'm not really a dad! *nervous chuckle* Am I? well someone HAS to play the parent role for this little munchkin! and besides she doesn't really like anyone else anyways

bumblebee: * notices that her bandages on her head and her left leg are starting to get itchy* we might have to change the bandages after I feed her  

Cody: do you have a name for her?

Bumblebee: Actually I don't have a name for her! I need one that matches her personality you know what I mean? *meanwhile at the same time feeding her*  

she gladly began to feed she was eating PRETTY FAST ACTUALLY,once bee had to take the bottle away from her but she just quickly given it back to her after she calmed herself down. she was starving and was pretty happy with the meal. she finished in 10 minutes .

bumblebee: that was pretty quick! talk about hungry huh? I might to clean her face can you watch her again Cody?* grabs the now empty bottle and walks out of the room just noticing Wedge*

Cody: sure! alright who want tickles?! * begins to tickle her*

Wedge: what are you doing with that empty bottle sir?

Bumblebee: I just fed her I just need to get Medix to change her bandages and right now I'm getting a napkin for her!

Wedge: Wow.. your starting to become a real dad huh?

Bumblebee: Cody said the same thing! 

Wedge: And all because there was a stowaway on the Stigma!

Bumblebee: Yeah! I need to go now Wedge see you in class!

Wedge: see you in class sir!

time skip to Bumblebee coming back to the action matrix with Medix and a napkin

Medix: time to change your bandages little Missy! 

she didn't want him to change her bandages! what's his problem?! Sure he helped heal her but that doesn't mean he has the right to change the bandages!

Cody: if you mind, I cleaned her face while you were gone! 

bumblebee: its fine Cody! I was a little slow anyways

she's not having it! She squirmed in Medix's arms the bandages quickly falling off. she wont let him change the bandages!  She wants to be with Bumblebee! WHATS HIS PROBLEM?! wait the bandages!! WAIT THEY ARE FALLING OFF!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo

Medix: so sassy! come on, the bandages are already falling off. that's a sign that the bandages needs to changed!* walks off with her in his arms*

Bumblebee: Medix you need help?!*trying to not laugh* cause she's not having it! *laughs* THAT'S SO FUNNY OH PRIMUS!! 

Medix: Very funny sir! I think I can handle her, I already chased her once I can do it again!

Medix: what's her name by the way? we don't have a name for her!

Bumblebee: I been thinking about this for a while. her name is Honey! yeah it has a nice ring to it! What do you think you two?



Medix: I'm gonna tell the others after I'm done with this!

*Medix now in the med-bay begins changing the bandages realizes that all her wounds are healed up *

Medix: Well Honey you're all better! * boops her nose * BOOP he he Hotshot taught me that! 

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