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Jackie's POV

I stared at my phone Mitsukuni had gotten me. Takashi wanted to but we didn't want to take any chances with his dad. I saw the caller, Tamaki Suou. Why in the world is he calling me? I answered it and heard loud yelling. I sighed, "Tamaki it's too early for you to be yelling."

Serenity isn't even up yet. I got up sneaking out of bed without Serenity noticing. I went and sat at the table. Tamaki had been whining the whole time distressed.


I sat at a cafe table watching the guys compete for the last room. I smiled amused at the scene. Serenity was running around. I wasn't surprised when Kyoya wasn't competing.

We all already agreed to stay at the Haninozuka estate. Yet Takashi and Mitsukuni were still competing. I hope Serenity enjoys this.

I stood up and went to the sliding door. I placed my hand on the handle. I slid open the door. I looked around at everyone being outside besides Kyoya. Serenity ran through my legs outside.

I noticed Takashi chopping wood, shirtless. Then I looked over to Tamaki to see him doing a terrible job "fixing" a fence. Mitsukuni was watching him while munching on the cake.

I turned and saw the twins on the porch. I grinned at them. They played with the water hose. After a moment, they narrowly avoided being hit by a flowerpot. Then they went to their brotherly love act.

I heard, "Refresher points!" I turned and saw the inn's owner beside me. More points to them? They'll probably get it...


I walked into the Haninozuka estate. Takashi was beside me packing the two duffel bags carefreely. Serenity had run ahead of us. Her arms tightly clutching her grey bear.

She turned to us, "Come on! Hurry up!"

Takashi giggled at this. He replied, "Coming!"

Serenity took off. Takashi went off following her. Soon enough, they turned a corner and exited my view.

I heard, "He's happy."

I turned around to Mitsukuni. I smiled, "Yeah." I rubbed the back off my neck, "I never knew how he'd react..."

Mitsukuni said, "I think you've got your answer."

I nodded my head yes, "Yeah, I have. Only one last roadblock..."


I yawned hitting the alarm clock. I turned to my right side expecting the usual, Serenity sleeping. I saw Serenity sleeping in her pale blue onesie.

She was facing me. Her right arm was bent as her cheek rested on her hand. Her left arm laid atop my love's. Takashi had his left arm around her and his fingers tucked slightly under her belly.

Serenity's left hand was making an attempt to grip his wrist. I looked over the pair. I thought he'd beat me to waking up. I tried to move his arm.

He unintentionally tightened his muscles. Although he wasn't squeezing her any, there was no way I was separating them. I thought we could beat him to getting ready. Oh well...

I got up and went over to the other side of the bed. I started ruffling Takashi's hair. He stirred, "Mm?"

I giggled, "Come on, get up. Today's the day we were going to visit the city." I smiled, I hope Hikaru and Haruhi's date goes well today.

Takashi let go of Serenity and sat up. I said, "You're an amazing dad."

He paused slightly stiff, "I am?"

Safe Haven from a Scholarship (Ouran OHSHC Takashi Mori Morinozuka)Where stories live. Discover now