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TW's: panic attack, mentions of abuse. (sorry for the angsty parts.)

-George POV-

We got onto the ice and I clung to the side like a baby monkey clinging to it's mother. I looked behind me and saw Clay looking at me weird. "what?" I asked him and then focused on staying on me feet. 

"You seem in-experienced." He said while doing slow turns to the side of me. 

I rolled my eyes, "show off." I muttered as he continued spinning. I tried to loosen my grip on the wall but almost fell over so I decided to just stay there, admiring the blonde boy. 

He saw me looking at him and skated over to me, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me along with him. I almost fell onto him twice. 

He was still dragging me as I was actually about to fall, He tried to stop and steady me from my shoulders but ended up having me fall on top of him. 

We both fell to the ground laughing, I wasn't necessarily on top of him, just, perched on his side I guess. I climbed off of him and tried to get up while still laughing, he was on the ground wheezing loudly. 

As I was getting up I fell back down, falling again and causing Clay to laugh impossibly harder.  I laid down for a second, my head in the nook of Clay's arm. 

This time me and Clay both got up, he took my hand in his and lifted me up. His hands touching mine melted me, it was like his hands were on fire and everywhere he touched turned to fire too. 

I felt my face heating up and butterflies in my stomach as he looked in my eyes. I couldn't be falling for my best friend... right? 

Just as we were about to start skating again I looked at the doorway, HE stood there, looking for someone. 

I felt my breathing increase and I felt as if I was going to pass out. Clay noticed this and steadied me by putting his hands on my waist, "George? What's wrong?" I looked him in the eyes, my breathing still rapid as I started shaking. He was here, why was he here? 

Clay wrapped his arms around my shoulder and quickly skated to the exit of the rink, he took our skates off quickly and grabbed my hand, walking to the bathroom, it was a one person bathroom so we went in and I sat on the dirty floor in the corner of the bathroom, hyperventilating, shaking, and sobbing. He came and squatted down next to me, grabbing my hand again. 

"copy me breathing." Clay said to me, putting my hand that was in his on his lower chest. 

I copied his breathing as I shoved my head into my arms. I had my knees up and my arms over it, hiding me face deep into myself as I continued breathing. 

After about five minutes he took my hand away from his body but kept holding onto it. "what happened?" He said, still holding my hand and squeezing it reassuringly. "Did I do someth-" 

"no it wasn't you." I said in a shaky and raspy voice. I brought my arms down so they were holding onto my ankles and looked up at him, his eyes were worried, genuinely worried and I felt terrible about it. "my ex... is here." I said with a deep breath. 

"Where is she?" He said questioningly. 

"It's a he.." I said cautiously, I knew Clay was a good guy.. But I didn't know if he would except me or think I was weird or something, so I never told him.

"okay, cool, I'm bi, I didn't know if you'd except me or not." He said with a small grin, I smiled back at him and he continued. "so where is he?" 

"He just walked in." I said and then took another deep breath closing my eyes. "I need to tell you something though." I decided I should probably tell him everything, the abusing, the breaking, everything.  

"He used to abuse me." I started, not wanting to stop yet I had to stop the tears that came to my eyes. "He would come home drunk or high and get mad at me for anything from making eye contact with another guy, to because his friends couldn't hang out with him. It started out fine, just some yelling and then an apology, but then it got he was mad at me for every single thing I did." I pinched my fingers hard, hoping that would make the pain in my heart go away. "I was again, fine with it at first, the rude names, the not speaking to me for a week. And then it became more again, he would hit me, punch me, kick me, and sometimes he even went to... different.. things like forcing me to do.. thing... I didn't want. I finally ran away, getting a new phone and moving to a different part of England, blocking him out of my life forever, or so I thought until I saw him walking through those doors."


I was listening to spotify while writing this and Oh Ana turned on but like I forgot I was listening to music, and the first part is like heavy breathing so I FREAKED out bc I was home alone 🚆🏃‍♂️

Your bestie, 


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