"Not yours anymore," he reminded me 

"It will be tomorrow when I get here before you do," I challenged him as he let out a laugh 

 ”That’s funny because I’ll be here before you anyways,” 

 ”Is that a bet Calum Hood?” I questioned as he paused for a second like he was thinking about his next move 

 ”Yes it is Jem,” he agreed 

 ”What’s the bet then?” I asked 

 ”If you get here before me then you get your treadmill back for forever, but if I get here before you then… you have to go on a date with Michael,” he smirked 

 ”What? He would never agree to that, he was acting all weird around me this morning,” I said 

 ”Weird? How?” He asked stopping his machine to give me his full attention 

 ”I don’t know, he wanted to say sorry about blowing me off last night and I told him it was okay, but he didn’t seem too satisfied about that,” I explained stopping mine as well to look at him as I spoke 

 ”What the hell,” he muttered 

 ”Well he did seem a little pissy when he came back inside this morning but I didn’t think it had anything to do with you,” he said 

 ”Pissy? Why would he be pissy? I feel like I should be the one in the bad mood here but I let it go,” 

 ”I’ll talk to him today, but are you still on for the bet?” He asked 

 ”The date with him? I mean sure if he’d actually go on one with me which I highly doubt,” I shook his hand to accept it 

 ”Great, I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning on your treadmill then,” he smiled before leaving with an accomplished look plastered on his face 

 Michael’s P.O.V. 

 I was about to get in the shower when Calum bursted through my bathroom door like a lunatic 

 ”What the fuck is wrong with you mate?” He immediately interrogated me as I sighed and slipped my shirt back on. Thankfully I still had my sweats on before he so rudely interrupted my wash. 

 ”What are you on about?” I groaned leaning against the sink and preparing for whatever load he was about to drop on me 

 ”You were in a bad mood this morning because Jemma was okay with you completely blowing her off last night? Shouldn’t you be happy about her being so cool about it?” 

 ”And how do you know what happened? Were you looking through the damn peep hole again?” I glared at him 

 ”No, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to hear the two of you. She was in the gym earlier and she told me,” 

 ”What did she tell you?” 

 ”That you weren’t ‘satisfied’ with her answer, whatever that means. And she was probably right considering how moody you get sometimes,” he explained putting air quotes around the word “satisfied” 

 ”Satisfied? Well how was I supposed to be satisfied when she was completely content with what I did to her. Even if it was just an accident, it would’ve been nice getting some type of emotion like she actually cared, but she acted like sleep was so much better than hanging out with me so no I wasn’t ‘satisfied’” I grumbled as he rolled his eyes 

 ”Shut up man. You should feel lucky to like a girl who is as chill as she is. This could’ve went so much worse if she wasn’t,” he reasoned 

 ”If you think I’m so lucky to like a girl like her then why don’t you? Fuck the band code, if you want to go after her then do it, I don’t fucking care,” I spat in the heat of the moment before I walked away from him 

 I don’t know why he was confronting me about this anyways. It was so dumb because he shouldn’t even be meddling with whatever relationship I happen to stumble across in my life yet he still decides to act like he has the almighty voice on the situation

 ”Maybe I will,” he replied 

 ”Fine then,” I finished

Jemma’s P.O.V.

When Calum left the gym, I moved onto my next workouts, but I couldn’t help but think about the bet. If I had to be completely honest, I really wouldn’t mind a date with Michael, assuming that he wanted the same thing. I felt like we hit it off the day we met up to this morning that is. I don’t know what was up with him this morning, but I’m really hoping it was just a one time thing, I really want to work it out with him. 

The rest of the day was spent in for the first time in what felt like ages. I had absolutely nothing to do but lounge around and watch movies and it would’ve been perfect if that dumb boy wasn’t stuck in my mind for the whole of it. I was never one to do that whenever I met a boy who I had any sort of interest towards, well now that I think of it, I haven’t really met that many men who I’ve actually been interested in so this could actually be a normal feeling I guess? 

The next morning, through some twist of fate, my alarm decided to not go off so my day was a little bit on the late side in favor of Calum I suppose. The night before, I was constantly thinking about his bet and contemplating on whether I should just let him win so he’d set up the date with Michael and I, so I was taking this as a sign to just let him win for once, but only this instance. 

I headed down to the gym a good fifteen minutes after my usual routine and was greeted my Calum’s brown eyes watching my movements as I walked towards him.

"Look who got here before Jemma did," Cal smirked taking his fake pedestal on my treadmill

"Yeah yeah, there are millions of treadmills in the world so don’t act so special," I laughed taking my spot next to him

"But about the bet, I was thinking about changing it a little bit," He said

"And why is that? Michael really didn’t want to go out with me after all? I already told you that would happen," I commented trying to play it off like it didn’t hurt that my previous thoughts were confirmed

"No, that’s not it. But I was thinking that maybe you’d want to go out with me instead," He said completely surprising me at the end of his statement

"Well a bet is a bet," I answered not rejecting his change of agreements

"Awesome, I’ll be at your door at 8 tonight. Sound good?" He smiled

"Sure," I nodded still having to process what just happened

This was just a pity thing right? He didn’t want to completely drop the bomb on me by saying that Michael wanted nothing to do with me. I guess he’s a good friend in a way, and I know that tonight will still be fun regardless so why the hell not?

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