
17 1 0

TW: gore

A figure stepped out of the building, slowly wiping thick black blood off of their steel blade until it shone in the waning moon. Drifting out into the clearing, their black clothing blended with the shadows of the grass around them. Turning to look back into the building, their dark mask glinted maliciously at the scent of death slowly emanating from inside.

Stepping over the decaying bodies of victims, they tapped their mask, activating a dull green glow from their goggles. Surveying the landscape, they sighed heavily as a small animal stalked out from around a tree. Crouching, four eyes appeared and began moving silently towards the figure, carefully avoiding the fallen littering the ground.

The figure crouched down, petting the two cats that approached. One gray and one black, they both meowed loudly for attention, their green and yellow eyes mirrored in the shadow's green goggles. Picking the gray cat up and waiting for the black shadow to follow, the figure walked back behind the trees, dropping both into an open box filled with pillows and blankets. It hadn't been the first time that the figure had to cull a few overzealous intruders they found chasing the cats, or other small animals.

The figure straightened slowly, turning slowly to take in their surroundings, the green tint coloring the sickly landscape. Tapping their mask again and the light fading from their eyes, they looked towards the slowly shrinking moon.

There would be no more blood tonight.

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