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The Losers were all sitting in a circle on the grass next to the river. Summer has come to an end but it was a summer none of them would forget. They all had bandages on their injuries and bruises on their skin, but smiling for being all together again. Bill had apologized to Charlie and she had forgiven him.

"I can only remember parts" Bev said. She was talking about a dream she had had.

"I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parents' ages" she said.

"W-W-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that" said finished, looking down.

Bill then got up suddenly and grabbed a piece of broken glass that had a sharp edge.

"Swear it" he said. Everyone looked up at him.

"S-Swear if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back we'll come back, too" he said. They all looked at each other. One by one they got up from the ground and stood up alongside their friend.

Bill cut his palm with the sharp glass first and then went to Richie. He cut everyone's left hand and they all winced at the pain. They then all grabbed the hand of the person that was next to them, creating a circle of their own, knowing that their promise would forever be held. They then let go.

"I gotta go" said Stan.

"I hate you" he said to Bill. Bill looked down but then Stan started laughing and everyone laughed along

"Well, see you later" he said and walked home. Eddie then had to leave and Mike left with Charlie. They still hadn't let go of each other's hands once they connected. They walked in the woods in silence until Mike asked how her head was.

"It's okay, still kinda hurts though" she said smiling at him.

They then stopped and turned to each other, letting go of each other's hand.

"So, what happens now?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean .. the clowns dead, summers over .. what do we do now, are we all still friends?" he asked.

She smiled at him.

"Of course we are Mike, now we just live" she said. Mike smiled at her.

"Listen I gotta go, but I'll see you real soon okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah okay" he said. He looked at the ground, he didn't want to leave her.

She went up to him, placed the bloody hand on the side of his neck and kissed him. His eyes opened wide, but kissed her back, putting his bloody hand on her cheek, both of them leaving their blood on each other, giving each other their own promise.

But who knew, in 27 years, it would happen all over again?

The sequel to this story is called Years After it is the Chapter Two to this Chapter One and I hope you guys enjoy that one as well :)

Summer of '89 (IT fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon