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Bill had left the group when he saw George running through sewers. He followed him and was taken to a pit that had a container with a clown face on it. Piled on top were children's toys and belongings, piled up high. Surrounding the toys were lifeless bodies of kids, floating around in the air. Bill then spotted Beverly, who was also floating in the air with ghostly eyes, but she was only a few feet above Bill.

He ran up to her and jumped to try to get her to the ground, but she was higher than him. He went to grab a box from the kids belongings but then saw Georgie again.

"I'll come back for you Bev," he said, before going around the container to follow his "brother".



The separated group ran throughout the sewers trying to find their other lost friend. As they turned a corner, they reached the pit and found the clown's hidden home. They stood in awe until Charlie saw Bev floating in the air.

"Holy shit" she said going towards her.

"How is she in the air?" they asked.

"Guys. Are those... the missing kids ... floating?" Eddie said looking up. They all looked above them and saw the missing Derry kids floating in the air just like Beverly.

They tried to reach her but she was too high for them. Mike then helped Ben and he grabbed Beverly by her ankles, taking her to the ground. When she was on ground level, Ben put his hands beside her head trying to wake her up.

"Bev. Beverly" he said. She was still entranced and had her ghostly eyes.

"Why isn't she waking up? What is wrong with her?" Ben cried.

"Beverly, please!" he said, hugging her. Everyone felt bad, they all knew Ben liked her and now they didn't even know if she'd wake up.

Ben then looked into her eyes and kissed her.



Ben then pulled back and Beverly gasped awake. She looked at Ben and realized it was him who gave her the poem.

"January embers" she said.

"My heart burns there too," Ben finished.

"Jesus, fuck" said Richie laughing.

"Oh, God" said Charlie bringing everyone into a group hug.

"Where's Bill?" said Beverly.

Everyone looked around the container and saw Bill, looking at his brother who had his right arm bitten off and holding his paper boat with the other.

"Georgie" Bill said with tears in his eyes.

"What took you so long?" Georgie said in his little voice.

"I was looking for you this whole time"

"I couldn't find my way outta here. He said I could have my boat back, Billy" he said mentioning to the clown.

"Was she fast?"

"I couldn't keep up with it"

"She," Georgie. You call the boat "she."" Bill said remembering he told his brother the boat was a she before he took it outside.

"Take me home, Billy .. I wanna go home" he said. Tears strolled down Bill's cheeks.

"I miss you. I wanna be with Mom and Dad"

"I want more than anything for you to be home.  With mom .. and dad. I miss you so much" he said to his brother.

"I love you, Billy"

Summer of '89 (IT fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя