What We Want #YAPromptContest

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YA prompt contest. Prompt:  see where the ride takes you.

✧*Honorable mention of the contest✧*。

Faith, the one word which will keep you moving when everything seems to have fallen apart. The power of these five letters is beyond my comprehension. However, mom taught me what happens if you lose sight of it.

I woke up this morning without her hollering my name at the top of her lungs. I thought that, for once, mom believes that I haven't left her like my three older brothers did and perhaps, she wants me to open my eyes on my own accord.

I want to do things as I please and today I have no obligations. I can fly, I can swim, I can crawl but I just want to drive my mom's car and use her credit card.

No four windows are stopping the cool breeze from rushing inside the car and going wild through my blonde hair. I shiver when the wind brushes against the sweat on my back but it feels good. Now I know, one can shiver in the absence of a threat too.

Being a small town, it sleeps at midnight. There is only one car in my sight, running on the endless road in front of me.

I see a guy on the roadside, a silvery silhouette of his lean body under the moonlight. He looks taller by two or three inches compared to my 5'4 height. He has stretched forward his right arm with his thumb facing the earth.

He shouldn't be asking for a lift with a thumbs down. No wonder the car in front of me zoomed past him. Mom would have done exactly the same.

Therefore, I bring the car to a halt.

"Thank you so much for stopping!" His shiny face, or maybe it's the sweat glistening under the full moon, lowers to the height of my window.

"I came out for a walk and now I'm bloody tired. Can you drop me at the third street down the road?"

He ends the first part of his request with a nervous chuckle and his Adam's apple bobs much to my liking. I notice crutches held under his arms. Why would a physically disabled guy come out for a walk at this part of night?

Maybe he wanted to walk like I want to take a leap of faith.

"Hop in," I unlock the door from inside for him. And he literally hops in because he can't put strain on his left leg. Guilt invades my senses immediately.

"Oh my, I am sorry!" I raise my hands off the steering wheel and get outside to help him. "I didn't mean it as an offense. It was a slip of tongue. I am so sorry. Gosh! I'm -"

"Take it easy, shush," he shakes his head, leaning on me to get in. There's a pained expression on his face as he finally settles on the black rexine seat and releases a deep breath. "It happens."

"I am really sorry," I walk to my side and get in, closing the door. "I am a terrible human being."

He looks at me with those pitch black eyes and gives a genuine smile, "I felt normal for a second there."

"Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't really think -"

"Are you sorry for making me feel normal?" He arches his right brow, making that mole above very visible.

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