Moony is a WHAT?!

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ENA (Joel G)

Spoiler alert for ENA - Temptation Stairway. Read at your own risk!!!

At the end of ENA - Temptation Stairway, Ena's snarky pal Moony unexpectedly took on a new form. 

From a round crescent moon with hair

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From a round crescent moon with hair...

to a hairless, flexible, split-toned humanoid

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Interesting to note here, though, is that Moony didn't merely morph into a humanoid form by rearranging her mass. Instead, her moon-shaped body CRACKED OPEN to reveal the form inside.

So, what does this mean?

My theory is that the old Moony was just an egg, and that she is actually the same species as Ena.

There are several hints throughout the series that Ena is not the only one of her kind, an example being when the Shepherd hints at "another" Ena existing.

There are several hints throughout the series that Ena is not the only one of her kind, an example being when the Shepherd hints at "another" Ena existing

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Additionally, the creator Joel G's website implies the existence of multiple Enas.

At the bottom of the home page, there is a hit counter with various Enas (and one Shepherd, apparently) roaming around

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At the bottom of the home page, there is a hit counter with various Enas (and one Shepherd, apparently) roaming around.

At the bottom of the home page, there is a hit counter with various Enas (and one Shepherd, apparently) roaming around

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Each Ena is supposed to represent one person who is currently visiting the site. There is a theory that Ena is supposed to be an audience surrogate, which the hit counter supports, but that's beyond the scope of my theory.

Moving on, I'd like to take the "Moony is an egg" theory one step further. I think that the reason Moony hatched is the same reason why Ena's colors change when she feels different emotions.

If Moony was an egg, and therefore younger than Ena, that would explain her rude behavior because she is too young and immature to understand etiquette. Perhaps Ena understands this, and isn't hurt when Moony mocks her. Moony is also very self-centered at this phase; she seems to have a superiority complex, calling other people "ugly" and "losers".

The first time she shows any insecurity is at the end of Temptation Stairway, when she refuses to tell Ena what her wish was and says that Ena is "going to make fun of [her]".

Then, Moony promptly cracks open to reveal her new form.

This would imply that for an Ena to hatch, they have to let go of feelings of superiority. Ena evidently hatched first because she recognized her insecurities before Moony did.

Welp, that's my theory. It may very well be that everything I said here will be discredited in the next episode, but I guess that's what makes this series so fun. Everything is unpredictable and it feels like you're in a fever dream. If you haven't seen this show (you skipped the spoiler warning?!) and are interested in checking it out, you'll find it on Joel G's YouTube channel.

Have a great day everyone!

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