Chapter Eight

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"Hey!" I heard a voice whisper, "Wake up, Y/N!"

I open my eyes to Wilbur trying to shake me awake. I looked up at him and notice the bookshelves around us and the giant window behind him. We were still at the library.

"Wilbur? What's going on?" I asked drowsily.

"We fell asleep here!" He answered and stood up from the floor. I stood up and let out a long sigh before placing the book in my hand onto its place on the bookshelf. I turned back to Wilbur who was waiting for me and we quickly headed out of the library before I remembered,

"Shit! I've got work!" I shout before quickly heading to my apartment with Wilbur and getting ready for work. Francis isn't going to be happy if I'm late to work two days in a row! I leave my apartment and get to the cafe and bakery barely on time.

"There you are! I swear If you were late two days in a row." Francis crossed her arms before smiling to show she was joking around. I smiled back and walked behind the counter for the next customers, Wilbur walked in panting crazily before walked up to the counter.

"Jesus Christ! How the hell do you run so fast?"

"You're just slow, now you gonna order something?"

He orders a black coffee again and sits down in one of the seats before another customer comes in. After the day of work Wilbur and I head to my apartment and enter before I collapse onto my couch.

"So, now what?" He ask me. I stare at him and look at the ceiling. 

"Maybe wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked tiredly. He smiles and nods. I scoot to give him some space and we scroll through movies before deciding on the movie, Heathers.

In the middle of the movie

As I continue to watch the movie I feel a head on my shoulder and look to see Wilbur had fallen asleep. How can he fall asleep to THIS movie? He falls asleep too easily. I stare at him before starting to sweat. Uhh- What do I do now? Do I wake him up? Do I let him sleep on my shoulder? UHHHH... Think think... I continue to stare at him until I stop thinking and gaze at his beautiful face. You're beautiful. But I think I'll wake you up. I tap his shoulder once the movie ends and he opens his eyes before noticing a second later his position. He quickly sits up straight and I notice him blush.

"So. What do you wanna do now?" I ask with a slight smile on my face. He looks around for something to do before standing up.

"You wanna bake something? Or cook something?"

I stare at him hesitantly and sigh, then I nod in agreement and we both decide to bake a cake. After getting out the ingredients we started measuring and he mixed.

"Woah! Wait, we're supposed to preheat the oven! Shit!" I sprint to the oven and put it to 350 degrees. Wilbur sets down the bowl and looks back at the recipe book.

"Were supposed to make three more of this fucking stuff!?" He shouts frustrated and I grab the flour before accidentally dropping it all over Wilbur. "Hey! It got all over-" Suddenly, he starts coughing uncontrollably from the flour getting into his mouth.

2 hours later

My kitchen is covered in flour and the cake is in the oven. This was a complete disaster... I look at Wilbur who is coughing from all of the flour, which is also all over him, and laugh a bit. He turns to me with a confused expression and grabs flour from the floor and throws it at me. He then starts laughing uncontrollably. I cough before glaring at him and sighing.

"We should probably clean this up."

"Yeah." Wilbur nods and we start cleaning everything up, afterwards the cake is finished and we decorate it. Finally, we head off to sleep.

"Let's paint the sky yellow" (WilburSoot x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now