Chapter Seven Short Story (Love and War)

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Love and War

Once upon a time, there was a land called the Dream SMP. The Dream SMP was a land of freedom and a place of peace. The men and woman of the land lived their lives happily and were always hanging together, but one day two other men created a drug van and started scamming on this peaceful land. One man who created the Dream SMP, Dream, was not happy with these scammers. These scammers names were Wilbur and Tommy. They would take peoples brewing stands, a machine needed to make potions, or what Wilbur and Tommy liked to call, drugs. So, Dream decided to confront Wilbur and Tommy, and tell all the people that they had scammed, the truth. Wilbur and Tommy were not happy about this, they decided that they would surround their drug van with walls and create a country their called, L'manburg, Wilbur being president, and Tommy being his right-hand man. Dream became even angrier, he did not like the thought of Wilbur and Tommy building a country, a nation, on his land. So, he gathered his men, Sapnap, George, and a couple others, and he declared war against L'manburg. With this, more people joined L'manburg, Fundy, Wilbur's son, Niki, and Eret. As they fought their first war, they won making the members of the Dream SMP surrender and the next arc of the war started in which they also won that war. Things were looking good for L'manburg, and as the next war started, Eret, one of L'manburg's most trusted soldiers, led them down to a room called the final control room. As they entered, Eret pressed a button summoning Dream, Sapnap, and George, and also badly injuring the members of L'manburg. With one of their greatest soldiers have been a traitor, the gathered back up at the walls of L'manburg, ready to fight further when Dream threatened to kill them all if they did not pull of white flags meaning surrendering. But L'manburg did not surrender, and with the next arc of war, Dream and his side blew up L'manburg and backed them up into a corner. Wilbur did not know what to do, he almost surrendered to Dream when Tommy cut in and offered one last fight. A bow duel, on ten paces fire. If Tommy won, this would declare independence for L'manburg, but if they lost, L'manburg would be forced to surrender and Tommy would have to give Dream one of his most prized possessions, the Mellohi disc. With Tommy determined to win, he accepted under the terms and they had the bow duel. Unfortunately for L'manburg, Dream won the duel, but Tommy wasn't ready to give up L'manburg, he offered a deal to give both of his discs, Cat and Mellohi, and Dream accepted this offer. With this L'manburg finally earned its independence and with that, the war ended.

"There once was a special place, where men could go and emancipate, the tyranny and brutality of their rulers, well this is true you needn't fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret, a pretty big and not blown up L'manburg.

It's L'manburg, It's L'manburg, It's L'manburg, It's L'manburg."

-Wilbur Soot and L'manburg

I looked up from the book and noticed Wilbur had fallen asleep. Suddenly I felt myself smile as Wilbur was sound asleep set the book down, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep as well.


Yep, the Dream SMP. But You guys might have already expected that. I might have gotten some of it wrong since I was basing it all off of memory, but if you wanna know the full history then go check out EvanMCGaming! The link to his channel and the summaries will be below! Hope you enjoyed, bye!

EvanMCGaming Channel :

Dream SMP: The Complete Story - L'manburg Revolution :

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