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Jisung's POV:

I locked myself on my room...

I didn't eat anything..

Dad insisted me to eat but i keep resisting that I don't have appetite...

Now,i know  to be hurt..

I lied to my bed all day until someone knocked on the door..

"I don't want to eat,dad!Leave me alone!"I said..

The door opened..

"It's me,Minho.."He said..

"Why are you here?"I asked.

"I just want to check on you.."He answered.

"You don't have to...I don't need anyone..Leave me alone!"I said..

"Jisung,you need to take care of yourself..What you're doing is not good for your health!You're getting skinnier than before..I don't want you to be sick.."Minho added..

"Don't tell me what to do!"I yelled,pushing him away..

"Jisung,You're my friend...I care for you..."Minho said..

"No!No one care about me!No one!"I shouted."Leave me alone or I'll cut our friendship.."

He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't talk about our friendship here!I understand you but please let me take care of you..If you cut our friendship,You'll lose me and I lose you..You don't want that,right?I know both of us don't want that to happen.."Minho said.

I stared at him before I broke down infront of him..

He pulled me to a hug...

"Cry it out,Sung..it's okay."Minho said as he rubbed my bag while hugging me..

He let me cry on his shoulders..

After crying,I finally calmed down..

"Sorry that i wet your shirt.."I said..

"It's okay.."He added.."Let's should eat,okay?"He added.

I nodded..

We left my room and walked to the kitchen..

"Do you want me to cook for you?"He asked.

"Y-you don't have to...I can cook something for myself.."I answered..

"I'll cook and you just  sit there and wait.."He said..

Minho cook something while here,waiting..

After he cooked,He walked to the dining table and put the dish down..

"Eat up.."Minho said..

I started to eat..

"It's delicious!I didn't know that you're a great cooker!"I said.

"Thanks! You're the first one what I cooked!"He added..

"Really? That's good.."I said..

"Ji.."He called.

I looked at him..

"Stop crying over him..Please?I don't want you to see crying just because of him.."Minho said.."Promise me,Ji.."

I sighed...

"I promise,Min.."I added.

Minho smiled...

I need to move on..

Me and Minho Hyung talked each other all day..

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I hope you like this!❣️❣️

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