Chapter Six

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The dinner table was loud, apart from the two ends. Everyone in the middle was having a great time; eating, drinking, laughing, but I sat on the opposite end from Michael and all I wanted to do was move so I could sit next to him. He's my best friend and it really feels like I'm losing him.

"Loosen up a little." Vinnie said, placing a shot in front of me. "People will know something's up."

Tearing my eyes away from Michael, I looked down towards the shot and saw Tequila; which was a very dangerous game when it came to me. Tequila is my friend; a friend in the way where it gets me to do things I've never thought of doing before. It broadens my horizons...hence why I'm sitting on the opposite end from Michael. Taking the shot glass in my hand, I looked across at Vinnie who smiled before smacking his shot against mine and taking it.

"Well the point of that is to take it together, Brooke." He said, noticing I hadn't taken mine yet.

Letting out a sigh as I brought the glass to my lips, I mumbled, "I'm going to kill you."


"Hit it Fergie!" Vinnie and I yelled as we danced around the living room. Once dinner was over, we all headed home, soon deciding to have a dance party in the living room. Mostly everyone was involved...

Heading into the kitchen, I poured myself a new drink, deciding to pour another one as well. I walked past the group that was too busy to notice and headed upstairs and towards his room.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning against his door frame as he chilled on his bed.

"Trying to avoid whatever the hell that is." He replied, referring to the dance party.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed myself off the door frame and sat on the edge of his bed, extending the extra drink towards him. Staring at it, he hesitated to take it but eventually he did, taking a sip and placing it on the floor next to his bed.

"We really need to get you some side tables." I said, taking a sip from my cup.

"What? You, me and Vinnie?" He spat.

"Don't." I instructed, shaking my head.

"Don't what?"

"Don't start doing shit like that. Don't start acting like last night was anything more than what it was because we both know it wasn't."

"Yeah, you made that perfectly clear."

"I came up here," I said, getting up from the bed. "because I was worried about my best friend; the person who's always worrying about me even when there's no need to but if last night is going to cause me to lose that person, you can bet it's never happening again."


"You have two options here, Michael. You can either come downstairs and have fun with the rest of us or you can sit up here and mope around. But I'm telling you one thing; I'm not letting this change anything. You and I are best friends. You and I live together. And as far as I'm concerned, it's going to stay that way."

Making my way back downstairs, I realized I was a little forceful in the fact that Michael and I were going to stay friends but I'm not going through this whole 'we need to be more now that we've done more or we can't be anything at all'. His friendship is the most important thing I've ever had in my life and I'm not throwing that away because we slept together one time.

Downing the drink I had in my hand, I headed into the kitchen to make myself another one when his voice filled the room.

"Make me another?" He asked, leaning against the door frame, moving his cup around in his hand to show me it was empty.

Smiling as I looked at him, I extended my hand, watching as he moved towards me and placed his cup in it. "With pleasure." I said, placing it down on the counter.

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