Chapter Two

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"Why are you hitting me!?" Hearing Michael's voice as I entered the house, I just knew he had done something to piss Mia off yet again.

Entering the kitchen, I placed my keys down on the counter, along with my phone, as I sat down at the table next to Kouvr.

"How was the meeting?" She asked, trying to pay attention to both me and the scene between Mia and Michael.

"Like so many of them are; pointless." I laughed. "Come on, help me pick out what I'm going to wear tonight." Taking Kouvr's wrist in my hand, I pulled her towards my room, shutting the door behind us. "I had another dream."

"What!?" She asked, sitting down on my bed and crossing her legs. "Did you see who it was?"

Sighing as I shook my head, I couldn't help but get more and more annoyed with the situation. Lately, I've been having these dreams about being in a situation with a certain guy...however...I can never seem to get to the part where I see his fucking face. It's been happening for a couple of weeks now and I've only told the girls about it but I still have yet to figure it out.

"What about this?" I asked, holding up a shirt. Receiving a head shake from Kouvr, I shoved the shirt back in my closet. "I just don't really see how-"

"Gossiping?" Michael said, opening the door and popping his head into the room.

"I'm going to let Michael help you out." Kouvr said, getting up from the bed and leaving the room.

"I still don't know how you got this room." He said, flopping himself onto my bed and making himself as comfortable as possible. "I mean, it's in the one area of the house where basically no one goes. So you're lucky if you ever bring anyone home."

"Yeah, that's not exactly why I picked it." I said, laughing as I searched through my clothes.

"Oh, that one." Pulling the bodysuit out, I looked at it and began to wonder if it was too fancy for Saddle. "I'll be your wingman tonight; we're going to put this room to use." He said, getting up from the bed. Standing in my room alone, I knew the night wouldn't go as Michael was planning but it would make for an interesting night watching him try.


"That will make for an excellent thumbnail." Mia stated, as Michael sat next to me.

"He was her wingman." Laughing as he turned the camera off, Thomas placed it down on the table and grabbing the drink in front of him. "Well Michael, are you going to do anything?"

"I haven't seen any good prospects."

"Isn't Brooke the one supposed to be looking?"

"Yeah, fair enough." Michael said, looking over at me, trying to hold back his laugh.

"This is so not going to go well." I joked.

"No, no, it will, I just...hey, could we get a couple shots over here, please!" Michael pleaded, waving down the waitress. A couple of moments later, Michael and I had two shots each of vodka placed in front of us. "Liquid courage." He said, hitting my shot glass with his before taking both shots.

The night seemed to be looking more like a fail than a success in terms of prospects but the more shots Michael and I had, the less we cared about the people around us.

"No, and then you fell and took me down with you!" I said, laughing as we held yet another shot in our hands.

"You wouldn't let go of my hand!" Michael said, placing his free hand on the back of my chair. At this point, we had completely forgot that the rest of the group was there and we basically just chatted with each other.

"We should probably head back." Mia said, beginning to gather her things.

"Yes! We'll continue at home!" Michael yelled towards the group, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we began making our way out of Saddle.

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