04 - Humans

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Merlin could have done it alone. He held himself a few steps back, watching as Dandara and Lucifer strode forward. He had all the skills to make perfect people, a true understanding of dance and flow, and that deft touch brought about through countless centuries of practice that made weaving potential less of a conscious struggle and more a relaxing expression of art. His skill had been the main reason the others hadn't stopped him on his personal voyage. His great quest.

But he didn't want to.

Bringing Lucifer and Dandara with him hadn't just been born from a need for companionship, it was to provide alternate perspectives. One being alone cannot possibly see everything for how it is; perspective—point of view—was essential. After all, left alone, all of his creations would share similarities in their design, parts of their construction that he deemed essential. Lucifer and Dandara might have their own tendencies too, but they were unlikely to match his.

"Merlin, are you coming?" Dandara sounded the more urgent one now. Merlin smiled; he understood Lucifer's eagerness—it came from a need for efficiency and distaste of wastefulness. Dandara's was more exciting, and stemmed from a desire to experience something new.

"I am," he assured them. "I am."

Why did you choose this form? he asked himself. Why take on a body that is less than perfect? Lucifer didn't hinder himself in such a way; his form is lithe and strong. Why did you choose to be older, the body already in the second half of its life?

Merlin smiled to answer his own questions. Arrogance, he admitted, because he felt cool to be wrinkled and weathered. It lent him a sense of authority, an external display of wisdom. It ought not have had any effect whatsoever, but he knew that wasn't the case. The other two wouldn't defer to him quite as much if he didn't simply look more knowledgable in his skin.

It is much harder to take orders from a child, no matter their superior reasoning.

His companions had stopped, arriving at the top of a soft hill that they had all independently chosen as the prime spot. That was another detail that floated in Merlin's mind, at times bothering him, and at other times feeling just right, as if the form involved had simply directed them all to a place where it was most... suitable.

"Would you like to?" he gestured to Dandara.

"Like to what?" she asked.

"Make the first."

She stared at him. "I thought you would ..." she started.

"I did, too," Merlin conceded. "Until I stood here, and looked at you. Life has always been created by the female, has it not? Lucifer and I are capable, for sure, but I wonder what it is that has meant that history and evolution preferred the feminine. Or, perhaps, it is simply that we call 'female' that which brings life. Either way, of the three of us, you are the most suited to be 'mother', do you not agree?"

Dandara looked into his eyes, and then shifted her gaze to Lucifer. The other man nodded and she smiled.

"I'd love to," she said.

"Begin slowly," advised Merlin. "This is not the same as when we created forms for ourselves. Then we already had something to begin with. This time, you seek to create bonds that will spark consciousness. It is not an effortless task, nor will it be light in your mind afterward. You will rethink this moment a thousand times, a thousand thousand, and you will wonder 'what if I had done it differently?'. We cannot prevent that reviewing, but we can take the time to make it as right as if can be."

"Again you procrastinate, old man," said Lucifer. "Allow her the respect to just do it."

Merlin chuckled. "Perhaps that is true. I offered the task to you, Dandara, I should respect that you can do it without my constant meddling."

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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The Days of the Dying Sunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें