Wear not togther omg

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Hawk gets out of the shower and puts on close and he sees what your wearing
He runs up behind you and hugs you

Hawk: you look so cute
Y/n: well thank you
You look sexy

Hawk: I gotta text the every one is going to the park to play Soccer and just talk on the bench again

Y/n: ok let's go

Time skip

You guys get there

Hawk: you wanna get on my back

Y/n: hell yeah

You get on his back and hawk runs to the other cobras and Dimitri. You guys both laugh

Aisha: ok what is going on with y'all
Hawk: nothing just best friends  "he says as he puts me down"

Y/n: can I have a kiss
Hawk: fine
You give hawk a kiss but you make it longer his hands go on your waist and your hands are around his neck he slides his tongue in your mouth your moan into the kiss
Y/n: mhm
Hawk pulls away and say later ok
You frown
Miguel: ok y'all need to stop
Hawk: fine
Y/n: are we doing today
Miguel: we have  karate then we wear thinking that we would all go to your house
Y/n: yeah for sure

Time skip

Y/n: Ok so y'all are coming to my house and y'all can sleep over

The group: ok

Time skip
At your house....

The crush They never new about-Hawk x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now