Chapter 30.

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"Perfect" The dark lord drawled grasping his long boney hands together.
"Now go" he added with a deathly grin spread across his pale face. "Kill the old fool"

Severus turned his head to me nodding the tiniest bit before getting up along with me, Draco, Bellatrix, the carrow twins and a death eater called Fenrir greyback who was terrifying to look at.
We made our way outside the manor with Severus leading us his cape billowing as he walked.
Me, Draco and Severus apparated back to Hogwarts while the others headed to Borgin & Burkes.

Draco took me to the room of requirement while Severus went off somewhere else.

"So this is where you have been going" I exclaimed to Draco as he walked up to a big wooden cabinet at the back of the room and pulled of a big dusty rug covering it.

"Yes but hurry they will be coming soon" Draco told me hastily his face full of fear.

"Draco look at me, it will be okay" i hummed patting his shoulder which is something I rarely do.

"It won't be though will it" Draco replied unlocking the cabinet and taking a step back looking at me with fear.

"No matter what happens you'll always be my brother you know that" I smiled sadly as the cabin began to shake.
Me and Draco retreated taking a step back. The door began to slowly open revealing Bellatrix, the carrow twins and greyback climbing out of the cabinet.


Me and Draco hurried towards the astronomy tower. The one place I used as comfort was now going to be a place I could never bare to go back to.
Bellatrix, the carrows and Greyback fired a few spells at professors which were in their way while me and Draco held our heads low.

We soon arrived climbing the spiral staircase towards the top of the astronomy tower.

"Draco, Celia what a fine night" Albus explained leaning against the balcony looking out into the beautiful nights sky filled with stars.

Me and Draco raised our wands pointing it towards Albus, my heart clenched as i saw the sad expression come over Albus's face.
Bellatrix, the carrows and greyback soon came along side us holding their wands tightly walking between me and Draco.

"I see you brought friends" Albus continued on.
"How" He directed the question to us both.

I stayed silent my throat becoming dry.
"The vanishing cabinet In the room of requirement, they form a passage" Draco explained.

"Your not killers" Albus stated the wind blowing his beard gently.

"We have to do this" Draco spoke looking at me his voice with a slight shake.
"Do it kill him" Bellatrix whispered.

A few seconds after Severus appeared coming in-front of us all gripping his wand and raising it towards Albus.

Albus took one last glance and me the twinkle in his eyes disappeared completely and his face showed no emotion as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Severus...Please" He murmured gently.

A silence fell over us all until.
Severus pointed his wand.
"Avada Kedavra" he spoke the curse falling from his lips.
A beam of blinding Green light emerged from the end of his wand striking Albus hitting him backwards. Dumbledore was send of the edge of the Astronomy tower. Everything went slow motion as my heart shattered at the sight of the headmaster getting struck with the killing curse and plummeting to his death infront of me. I held back the tears behind my eyes.

Bellatrix laughed high pitched as she pointed her wand into the air causing the dark mark to emerge in the sky above.
Severus shouted "leave" as he hurried down the stair case with us trailing behind him.

A few tears escaped my eyes as we made our way towards the great hall, bellatrix smashing everything with her wand letting a gust of wind blow as the glass windows shattered. Me and Draco stood silently watching it all play out. Draco looked at me his face pale and lips trembling slightly.

Severus carried on striding clutching his wand gesturing us to carry on walking.
We ended up near hagrid's hut with Bellatrix setting it on fire jumping up and down laughing hysterically.
I turned towards Severus who looked emotionless his eyes looking at the ground as he walked slowly.

"SNAPE" a voice rung in the distance.
We turned around to see Harry sprinting down the path towards us all casting spells our way which I diverted with my wand.
"HOW COULD YOU" he screamed hitting hex after hex which just got directed back hitting Himself causing Harry to fall onto the floor.

"Harry" I exclaimed wanting to explain everything but just couldn't how would he understand.

"CELIA, SNAPE HE TRUSTED YOU" Harry cried trying to get up but failed falling back again.

"Shall we kill him" Bellatrix sung pointing her wand towards him.

"No he belongs to the dark lord" Severus drawled turning around gripping my wrist lightly causing me follow him.

I hope I wrote this chapter Good- Let me know :)

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