The International Standards Committee for Magical Education is Proud to present

***I.C.A.M 1996***

You are cordially invited to attend the primary event in the Academic Wizarding Calendar.

Special guests include Prof. Emeric Switch, with his presentation, "Pop goes the Weasel! - Advances in Animal Transfiguration."

Also a series of lectures by the Hon. Newton Scamander, entitled "Great Balls of Fire! - Memoirs of a Dragon Researcher."

Plus our world famous Poster Exhibition (Abstracts to be submitted no later than November 15th)

Monday 18th December and Tuesday 19th December at the Copernicus Hotel, Derbyshire. Please owl Madam Jocasta Jewell for an application pack. Accommodation and Portkey transport by arrangement.

(***We also do Weddings!***)

Harry seized his cloak, his Firebolt and the compass from his broomstick servicing kit. He pocketed the flier - it had a handy map at the bottom for the benefit of those who preferred to make their own way. He tried not to think about where he might have ended up if he had continued with his Arithmancy theory.

Without a backward glance he launched himself from the window ledge, and soared away into the chilly night.


When Draco woke, a thin halo of half-hearted light was beginning to seep into the sky behind the bleak hills. He sat bolt upright and instinctively reached for his wand to perform a Tempus spell. When it didn't work, he sighed with frustration and got to his feet. He paced the room fretfully, pausing now and then to look out of the window: He didn't need to determine the exact time to know that sunrise was approaching, and with it, his trial by truth potion.

He had slept for longer than he had intended - the combination of terror and emotional stress with his father's sleeping potion must have made him more tired than he thought. This, of course, meant that he was running out of time to concoct an escape plan.

He could no longer hear screams from the other room. Whatever Voldemort had done to Bellatrix, he had evidently finished. As soon as the Wormtail creature returned, it would be his turn.

He couldn't keep images of the red-eyed, serpent-like face out of his head. He kept imagining the fiery glare that would inevitably appear when he disclosed his rejection of the Dark Arts. Then there would be a shriek of rage when he announced his support of Dumbledore's campaign for peace between Muggles and Wizards. As for the moment when he would inevitably reveal his devotion to Harry Potter...for some reason Draco saw the pale, spectral face break into an insane smile, and a high, mad cackle echoed in his head.

Draco sank back onto the bed as dread hit him, like a Bludger to the stomach. Voldemort would be only too pleased to learn about the dreams, the Somnio Salvuspotion, and Draco's real-life feelings for Harry. If there was a chance that Harry returned his feelings, then he, Draco, could be used as bait.

He dropped his face into his hands, mentally kicking himself for telling Harry the name of the hotel. If that really was Harry, and if he heard him shout it before the dream ended, then no doubt the stupid, crazy, reckless...and ludicrously gutsy Gryffindor would already be on his way. There was no guarantee he would find the place, but if he did, Voldemort would be expecting him.

Draco wasn't having that.

No way. No way am I going to be the means for Voldemort to get his hands on Harry. I'll die first...

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