Chapter 52: Back to the Basics and Equalists Attack

Start from the beginning

Rachel: *thoughts* Amazing, his ki is MASSIVE, I've never seen someone with this much power.

Red Rachel (inside Rachel's head): I'll say, his power is bottomless, it's like he has no limitations placed on him.

I'm sure you are all wondering why this is so shocking to them despite them already knowing he was a god beforehand, so they should've already had an idea of how powerful he was already. The reason for why they are shocked with y/n's ki is because in their own universe no one was able to use this amount of ki at all.

Powerhouses like Superman and Wonder Woman were only able to become as powerful as they were from gaining energy from foreign places like the sun or blessings from gods. However, Chi and Ki were very rarely known to people from her world. Even the monks of Azarath had very little knowledge and very few practiced it.

Back on her home world only a small handful of people were able to use Chi or Ki whatever you like to call it. Even someone like Batman was able to use it. How else do you explain he was able become so strong, heal faster than ordinary humans or erase his presence and disappear while people were distracted? He was taught by the League of Shadows on how to manipulate his chi to erase his very presence to disappear and move silently and quickly in the dark.

And now Rachel is witnessing someone with pretty much unlimited amounts of ki. She hasn't witnessed someone able to make pure balls of energy made of ki. It takes a lot of energy and control in order to do that.

She was then knocked out of her thoughts from y/n calling her.

Y/n: Rachel! Are you listening?!

Rachel: H-Huh w-what were you saying Tian?

Y/n: *sigh* Nevermind, now then let's see what this baby can do.

Y/n then extended his hand forward and was about to blast the ball at a tree, but Rachel tried to stop him.

Rachel: Tian stop!

Y/n: Huh?

It was too late, y/n sent the ball flying, but it went straight through the tree and went even further into the distance and destroyed everything in it's path. The blast then went beyond the horizon and then disappeared for a second or two before finally exploding.

Rachel put up a magical barrier quickly for miles and used up more that three quarters of her reserves to contain the blast and make sure no one sees it

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Rachel put up a magical barrier quickly for miles and used up more that three quarters of her reserves to contain the blast and make sure no one sees it. The explosion pushed against Rachel's barrier and was starting the crack. Rachel then changed the property of the barrier and instead of keeping it contained she sent the explosion to the dark dimension.

The blast stopped after a minutes and Rachel let the barrier down and started huffing for air. Y/n walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: Are you okay Rachel?

Rachel: *huff* Yeah i *huff* I'm fine.

Y/n: Sorry about that, i didn't know it would cause that much damage.

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