"You..." The possessed doll murmured, hate dripping from his tone as his eyebrows lowered angrily, realizing exactly who it was.

"You just never give up, do ya? " Chucky began, taking a step forward so that he was now standing right next to you, by your side. "Thought you'd be grateful, not having to deal with me anymore but that clearly isn't the case, huh?" He continued with another mockingful question, causing you to lift your head up from the red headed doll towards the man, who's anger was the only thing written on his face.

"Face it, Andy, you're nothing without me. The only purpose you have in this shitty life of yours, is torturing the fuck outta me, thinking it'll make up for all those wasted years you've spent of pain and trauma. Like it's ever gonna make a fucking difference." The doll spat, snickering as he found amusement in angering the man who snarled in response to the dolls insulting words.

"Look at you... You're so fucking helpless... " The doll grinned, another insult being thrown and successfully angering the man even more.

"Surprised they didn't lock ya up in a nut house while they still had a fucking chance..." Chucky insulted further, watching as the rage only grew and flared further in the man's expression and eyes.

You felt the uneasy tension between the two only grow, fearfully taking a step back in response to Andy now standing up from his seated position.

Chucky looked up towards you, sensing your fear but not saying anything as he turned towards Andy once again.

The man noticed this, how the doll showed somewhat concern towards you. It gave him an idea.

He immediately charged towards you, grabbing you by your arm and twisting you around, your back slamming onto his chest, his other arm sliding around your neck, placing you into a mild chokehold as he pulled a gun out of his pocket and pressed it firmly onto the side of your head. You screamed, shaking in fear for your own life as you struggled in his grasp, fearful (e/c) eyes looking towards the red headed doll who only stared back intensely.

The doll reacted by flinching slightly towards you, giving Andy more confidence in doing what he did, seeing that Chucky did show signs of caring for you.

The doll growled in anger, taking out his knife from his pocket as he stared out the man that stood before him.

"Move and I'll blow her fucking brains out!" Andy yelled hoarsely, voice cracking as he warned the doll.

"Let the girl go, Andy.." Chucky warned lowly, taking a step forward as he did so.

You felt the gun shake as it pressed onto your temple, knowing Andy's uncertainty of his own actions. He was afraid to pull the trigger, afraid that he'd harm the life of an innocent girl who had no business being a part of what was going on but got caught up in it undeservingly.

You took a deep breath, shutting you eyes as you lifted your foot up and stomped your heel down onto his foot, causing him to yell out in pain, letting go of you and dropping his weapon as he did so.

He grunted through gritted teeth, eyes squeezed shut in pain, backing away from you, unaware of what he was doing, giving you the opportunity to grab his gun from the floor, index finger resting itself upon the trigger as you aimed it at him.

His closed eyes opened and widened as he realized you were now armed with his weapon. "Nice one, kid!" You heard the doll yell out pridefully to you as he watched Andy raise his hands up, fear being shown in his eyes.

"(Y/n), listen to me, whatever he told you, whatever he tried to persuade you with, he's only using you! " Andy then told you frantically, causing your heart to race, fearing what he says to be true. Your stomach twisted and turned, sweat trickling from your forehead as your heart beat boomed into your eyedrums, the sound overpowering everything else and being the only thing you heard. You bit your bottom lip nervously as your palms shook in the midst of holding the weapon firmly. It threatened to slip out of your grasp as soon as the metal object met with the sweat that began to appear on your palms. Regardless, you aimed it at him, hoping the circumstances would change and you weren't forced to hurt him with the bullet, or worse.

"I... I-" you tried stuttering a response, fearing who to trust and whether it would be a good decision if you did so.

"Don't tell me ya actually fuckin' believe this guy! " the doll yelled from behind you, your eyes moving to your side in response to his voice.

"He's gonna kill you in the end! That's how it's always been! " Andy yelled, turning your attention back to him and causing another growl out of Chucky who then walked up and stood next to you.

"Kid, c'mon, you don't think I'd actually hurt you, now do you?" He asked innocently, resting his palm on the side of your leg as he looked up at you, puppy dog eyes expression being held as he did so, causing you to melt from your frightened stage, eyes softening, which only made Andy turn to Chucky with a look that held full on hatred. The doll looked back at him, smirk on his face

"Doll, shoot him." Chucky instructed calmly, face still smug as his eyes remained on the terrified man.

"I'm gonna kill you both..." Andy breathed out darkly.

You squeezed the trigger, causing a bullet to shoot out, missing him as it came in contact with a door of an empty room behind his form, leaving a hole in the centre of the wood.

His eyes widened as he panted, the doll laughing manically in response to this.

You were now shaking uncontrollably, hand accidentally squeezing itself and causing another bullet to to shoot, this time down at the tiled floor that broke and caused pieces of different sizes to fly in every direction.

You steadied yourself, taking in a deep breath and getting a hold of yourself, trying to remain calm as you aimed the gun at the man's body, him swallowing in fear, trying not to make it too obvious.

You then intentionally fired the weapon, though this time, only came a clicking noise that replaced the huge bang sound that would always sound once you shot.


You were out of bullets..

•𝙉𝙤𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙪𝙣• [𝘾𝙝𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]Where stories live. Discover now