"Ya tell a soul about this and I'll make sure ya never live to see another day, ya hear me?" He warned, tugging her collar and hearing her whine, watching as she nodded violently through frantic sobs. He rolled his eyes as he removed the blade from her throat and letting go of her collar, watching as she bolted out of the room as fast as possible, him chuckling as he watched her do so.


The woman ran down using the stairs, unable to control her hysterical behavior as she rushed to the clerk's desk, the clerk noticing her distressed stage.

"Lorraine... Lorraine!! What's wrong!?" The clerk, Linda, questioned in concern and confusion, not to sure or aware of what was happening and why the janitor was so worked up.

"Doll... Knife... " Was all Lorraine could sound out clearly as she rushed through her words trying to explain everything to the clerk, almost falling over if it weren't for Linda, who managed to catch her and hold her up firmly as she tried to comfort the hysterical janitor.

"What doll? Lorraine, talk to me!" The younger woman questioned.

"It... It tried to kill me!" Lorraine responded, giving Linda the details about which room the incident occurred in as well.

The clerk looked at the middle aged woman she had came to know after a few months of working at the establishment. Never once has she seen her so distraught before, Lorraine was usually cocky and kept to herself, never really wanting to be friendly or to start conversations with anybody else unless it was for her own personal gain. The confused expression Linda held on her face remained, as she nodded slowly hearing lorraine's words- how she tried to clean one of the rooms on the third floor, and how a talking doll held a knife to her throat just a few minutes after.

You had just came back from the cafeteria, food held in both hands as you passed the clerk's desk, confusion in your expression as you watched the distressed janitor talk in what sounded to be frantic tongues to the concerned clerk.

You looked away, noticing the clerk's eyes that stared and followed you as you made your way to the elevator, getting in and pressing your floor as the doors closed.

"Lorraine, the room you mentioned, that girl over there is the only one staying in it. There is no talking doll in there, calm down.." Linda tried to comfort.

"Yes, there is!! Linda, you've got to believe me, it held a knife to my neck!!" Lorraine yelled, upset that her colleague didn't believe nor took her seriously.

It then grew silent between the two, Linda not knowing how to respond while Lorraine waited for her to do so.

"W... Well- how can you explain this then!?" Lorraine asked, showing the younger woman the gash on her arm that continued to bleed.

Linda's eyes widened seeing the cut on her associate's arm.

"Oh my God! What happened!?" Linda asked in shock, grabbing a hold of Lorraine's wrist to further observe the slit.

She didn't buy or even consider the fact that a living doll could have done it. But it was undeniable that something had to be the cause of it.

"It. Did. It." Lorraine then said, a short pause after every word, her tone serious and low.

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off, okay? " Linda whispered sympathetically, again, trying to brush the issue off, even with the knowledge that Lorraine was, in fact, hurt physically.

"Please believe me... Please..." Lorraine begged tremulously, causing Linda to sigh in response.

"Look, let's go up there right now and get this settled... " Linda said, signalling towards the elevator as she walked towards it, Lorraine being pulled lightly by the wrist as she followed.


You opened the door to your room using your key, walking in and being greeted with the sight of the doll, who's expression already gave you the impression that he wasn't too happy about how long it took for you to get back.

"Took ya long enough..." The doll muttered, getting off of the chair and walking towards you.

"Yeah, sorry..." You apologized, sighing slightly as you recalled the scene you had just witnessed while you were walking to the elevator.

"Somethin' wrong?" Chucky questioned, hearing the tone of your voice.

"No, it's just... I saw a cleaning lady crying to the clerk just now... Seemed pretty disturbed about something..." You told, causing the doll to pause and then, sound a growl, his anger rising as he realized it must've been the woman he had just came into an encounter with just a few minutes ago.

The doll opened his mouth to say something, getting interrupted by a knock on the door, his furious eyes darting towards it quickly, and so did yours.

You set the food down onto the table, humming in confusion as you walked towards the door, opening it, eyes meeting with the same janitor and clerk you had just saw downstairs, now standing outside your door.

"Can I help you..?"

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