Bidoof lumberjacks

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On the way to Lagoona town, Play helped Gordon most of the time, and meanwhile, on Gordon's side, he was telling Play all about his life at the daycare and how boring it could be some of the time, his parents had died, so his grandparents looked after him. At first, it was nice having someone to talk to, but after a while, it just got droning. Play decided to change the topic.

"So, what Pokémon do you own?" Play asked.

"Oh, I have, a Budew and Surskit I caught on this route, then my favorite, my Fletchinder, that my grandparents gave me, it was juts an egg before it hatched into a fletchling, then, after battling some trainers, it evolved, oh, and when it finally di-." The duo were about to turn left to go to Lagoona town, but the bridge to Lagoona was completely flooded, looking down, several Bidoofs had built a dam, it had caused the bridge to flood. Now, no-one could get there.

"Those darn lumberjacks." Gordon growled. "Always slacking around." It was then that Play had realized the simply enormous wooden hut, a huge stone chimney stood atop it, like a hat, an although the shack was entirely wooden, he could feel a warm glow like fire coming from the inside. And before he knew it, Gordon had rushed inside it.

"Wait, Gordon, wait!" Play called, he ran into the shack after him. Inside looked like a lumberjack shack, two long benches stretched along the wideness of the hut, on the benches, lay spiky, and metal pieces of machinery, mainly cutting tools and axes. The nearest one had a red and black checked jacket and a neat, pointed brown beard.

"Hey, you!" Gordon said. "You need to get your Bidoof's out of the way, they're blocking the dam!" The lumberjack put down his bottle and said:
"Listen, I don't make to rules around here, but hey, why don't we have a double battle?" Gordon's face twisted for a moment, then accepted. 

"Hey, Play, you wanna help me battle?" Gordon asked. Play was confused, he'd never seen or been in a double battle before.

"Well, I." Play began.

"Don't worry about it, it's exactly like a normal battle, but with four Pokémon at the same time." To Play that sounded easy enough. Then, at that moment, another lumberjack came in.

"A double battle, eh." He said. "I'll be glad, I'm Al, and he's Paul." Pointing to the other lumberjack.

"Go Bidoof." Al said.

"Go Bidoof." Paul said.

"Go Fletchinder." Gordon said.

"Go Mareep." Play said. The battle had started, it was a Bidoof ditto against a Fletchinder and a Mareep.

"Mareep, use thunder shock." Play said.

"Fletchinder, use ember!" Gordon said.

"Bidoof, use tackle." Al and Paul said. Before the Bidoof got to Mareep got to Mareep, it was shocked and sent away. Fletchinder shot an ember at the second, so far, both of the Bidoofs were confused. All of a sudden, something unexpected happened. Mareep glowed white, it's fur got wider, it's feet got bigger, it's entire body arched up, then, when it went away. Mareep was now a Flaafy

As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow Because of its rubbery, electricity-resistant skin, it can store lots of electricity in its fur FLAAFY's wool quality changes so that it can generate a high amount of static electricity with a small amount of wool. The bare and slick parts of its hide are shielded against electricity.

Both Al and Paul's faces dropped at this. Then, Flaafy shot a ball of electricity at both of the Bidoofs, knocking both of them out.

Flaafy: Moves: Electro ball learned

"Bidoof, return." Al and Paul said.

"Deerling, Go!" Paul said.

"Raticate, Go!" Al said. "Use hyper fang." Raticate's incisors clashed toward Fletchinder.

"Use flame charge." Gordon said. Fletchinder's flames and Raticate's fangs clashed, causing them to be sent back. 

"Deerling, use double kick. Paul said. Deerling stuck out two legs and flew toward Flaafy. But because of Flaafy's thick wool, Deerling was stuck.

"Now, thunder shock at maximum power." Play called. Flaafy took a deep breath and then shocked Deerling so hard, that it stumbled around for a moment, dizzily falling over.

"Finnish it off with electro ball!" Play called. Deerling was heavily electrocuted, and fainted.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Fletchinder was still battling Raticate.

"Acrobatics." Gordon said.

"Hyper fang." Al said. Once again, both of the Pokémon were sent back. Then, Flaafy jumped in.
"Use electro ball." Play said. Raticate was shocked and paralyzed by it.

"Ember!" Gordon called. When Fletchinder shot the ember at Raticate, the heat was enough to knock it right off it's feet, and faint it. Play actually enjoyed it. Double battles were a lot more fun that regular ones. They moved on by Al and Paul, who's mouths were open in shock, there was one more lumberjack, at the far end.

"Hey, listen, you need to round up the Bidoofs, so I can get to Lagoona." Gordon said angrily. The final lumberjack was more muscular, and broad-shouldered that the other two.

"You talking to me?" He teased. "From what I heard, you wanted me to round up the Bidoofs, huh, like that's ever gonna happen, I'm Josh, the vice head, Bibarel, Go! Pinsir, Go!

"Budew, Go!" Gordon said. "Use absorb."

"Flaafy, Go!" Play said. "Use electro ball."

"Bibarel, use water gun." Josh said. "Pinsir, seismic toss." Flaafy hit Bibarel first with an electro ball, which paralyzed it. Pinsir flew toward Budew, and flipped it upside down. But Budew got back up and absorbed the strength out of Pinsir, it didn't do a lot though.
"Bug Buzz." Josh said "Bibarel, use hyper fang." Pinsir came in for another seismic toss and flipped Budew upside down, Budew was struggling to hold on.

"Flaafy, another electro ball." Another electro ball, hit Bibarel head on, but it was somehow still up, then, a suddenly as it could have been, Bibarel broke out of the paralysis and used two hyper fangs right at Flaafy. Flaafy was flung back, but Play was prepared.

"Kick off the wall, and then use thunder shock." He said. So Flaafy did just that, and a third electro ball knocked Bibarel right out. Then, Pinsir used another bug buzz, and knocked Budew out. Gordon sighed, and returned Budew.
"Surskit, Go!" He said. "Use water gun." Surskit shot a thin string of water at Pinsir, which didn't do much, but it was enough to get distracted.
"Flaafy, use electro ball." Play said.

"Surskit, tackle." Gordon commanded. Flaafy used an electro ball and it slammed into Pinsir, paralyzing it. Which allowed Surskit to land it's tackle.

"Grrr, we're not done yet, Pinsir seismic toss!" Josh growled. Pinsir grabbed Flaafy, took into the air and got ready to fling it down, but then, as a use of self defense, Flaafy automatically used thunder shock, which Pinsir did not expect. It let go of Flaafy and plummeted to the floor, fainting. Josh the took a deep breath of sorrow.
"Tut tut, I feel like rounding the Bidoofs up, it's too much work." At that moment, the door banged open, making everyone jump, then a man in similarly red and black checked jacket appeared.
"Ahem, What's going on in here? He asked. "I just saw your Bidoofs outside causing all sorts of shenanigans. The gate to Lagoona Lake was flooded over by the water displacement. I had to break down the dam with my Pokémon." Josh looked down at his shoes in shame.
"Sorry boss." He said, glumly. "We were just taking a break."

"I don't mind you guys taking breaks, but you can't just let the Bidoofs get out of hand like this."

"We won't do it again, Boss." Josh said.

"No, you won't. I'm sticking around to keep an eye on you guys." After that, he turned to Play and Gordon.
"Thank you for telling them this." He said kindly. "I owe you one." Play and Gordon smiled at each other.

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