I leaned forward and instantly killed two guys going for Jimmy and me, “so what do I do?”

                “Just start talking to her like she’s actually a person. Don’t jump into conversations with her but when you feel like it’s an appropriate time to talk to her, don’t be shy about it, go ahead. Sure she’ll be a little weird about it at first but that’s your own fault. Soon enough though she’ll come around. Take things slow and don’t be a dick,” Jimmy advised while saving my ass again.

                I smirked, Jimmy was wise beyond his years. “Thanks man, you always know exactly what to say.”

                A couple seconds after I thanked Jimmy the doorbell rang. “Who’s that?” I asked Jimmy.

                Jimmy turned to me and smiled before hopping up and opening the door. “Hey Jimmy,” a light melodic voice greeted him. Blake walked in and hugged Jimmy.

                I turned back around on the couch and faced the TV. He did this on purpose. This was practice.

                Luckily I had my hair spiked and I had on nice black jeans and a black tank top with designs on it, my feet though were completely bare. Jimmy had on grey basketball shorts and a blue hoodie. Fortunately he didn’t have socks on his feet either.

                Blake looked gorgeous as usual and she didn’t even try to. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore a large mens grey t-shirt with yellow and grey athletic shorts underneath. On her feet she wore black flip flops matching her painted black sparkled toe nails.

                “Hi Brian,” she said a little quieter. I turned to look at her surprised she said hi to me, “hey.”

                She walked into the living room and set her bag down.

                “Is that Call of Duty?” she asked while sitting in between Jimmy and me on the large couch.

                Jimmy nodded, “yep.”

                “Do you guys mind if I join?” she asked a hopeful look in her grey eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to play something more suited for your talents?” Jimmy asked with a chuckle, “I have Mario Kart on the wii or Supersmash Bros.” he teased.

                She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms looking straight up at Jimmy. He looked at me then shrugged. “Okay Brian and I will go easy on you,” Jimmy teased some more.

                She grabbed the silver controller out of his controller basket and chose her gunman.

                Jimmy put the online game on free-for-all and we took off. As usual Jimmy and I teamed up and killed everyone. I was running through showing off as I much as I could to impress Blake. As cliché as it was I did it anyways. Jimmy and I had already killed seven people when I looked at the score. We were tied with someone. Suddenly Jimmy was shot and killed with one shot, I was directly after him.

                Blake smirked and bragged, “I may have played this game on my PlayStation everyday while growing up.” We were tied with her.

                I watched her in shock as she leaned forward and killed more people. I then looked up at Jimmy who grinned at me.

                We continued to play for thirty more minutes till Jimmy finally won. As usual. “That was fun,” Blake grinned and set the controller lightly down on the coffee table. “Yeah that was,” I agreed with her. She looked at me a little shocked. Jimmy nodded at me letting me know I was doing well.

                “So what do y’all want to do now?” she asked rubbing her knee with her thumb.

                “I’m gonna grab a beer, you want one Brian?” Jimmy asked standing up, “and Blake I’ll get you a coke.” “Yeah I’ll take one,” I said. “Thanks Jimmy,” Blake said after me.

                “So have you seen any of our music videos?” Jimmy asked Blake while plopping down with the drinks on the couch next to her.

                “Actually now that I think about it, no I haven’t,” she answered blushing a little. “Well you’re gonna see all of them now,” Jimmy assured her.

                “Okay show me,” she leaned back on the couch and took a sip of coke.

                The last videos we showed her were “Bat Country” and “Beast and the Harlot.” I was a little nervous showing her those because of all the women in them but they were great videos and we looked good in them.

                “Wow you guys looked great in every single one of those. I cannot believe I know y’all,” she paused, “y’all really are an awesome band. Your music is amazing and each of you guys are perfect for the instruments y’all play. It’s unreal how amazing you guys are, but I do have one thing to say. Y’all are pigs for having those naked girls in your videos that’s disgusting, I didn’t want to see that!”

                Jimmy and I laughed, “what do you expect from us? We’re guys and we want other guys to like our videos! Plus they were not naked they had underwear on,” Jimmy laughed.

                Blake smiled and took another sip of coke, “I do like that “Seize the Day” one, it gave me chills. Especially when you got up on the coffin and played your guitar,” she said directing her attention to me.

                “Are you sure you just didn’t like seeing Matt’s bare ass?” I asked her jokingly. She laughed and assured me it wasn’t that.

                After she answered me she smiled at me again but this time it was different than how she normally looked at me. Normally she looked a little nervous and that was still there, it was evident in her eyes, just not as much.

                We ended the night with seven rounds of Mario Kart. I was Luigi, Blake was Yoshi, and Jimmy was Mario. Blake won two rounds Jimmy won three and I won two. After the rounds Blake drank the last of her coke and sighed, “It’s 11 I’d better head home now.”

                Jimmy, Blake, and I stood up at the same time to say goodbye.

                Blake grabbed her bag and hugged Jimmy she then turned to me and smiled, “bye Brian.” “Bye Blake,” I lightly smiled back. “Thank you for having me over Jimmy, I had a lot of fun tonight,” she said and started for the door. “Bye Blake, see you later,” Jimmy said back.

                “Dude you did fucking awesome!” Jimmy high fived me, “you didn’t freak her out or anything! You’re on your way to taking her heart,” Jimmy fluttered his eyelids and grinned.

                I chuckled and sat back down with my Heineken in my hand. “Yeah, Blake was right. Tonight was a good night,” I agreed and took a swig of liquor.

|Thank you for reading!

That is a picture of Jimmy in a caution wet floor sign costume. There's no point to it, I just saw the picture and thought it was adorable! The song is "Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold.

Thanks again for reading, sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. Please vote and comment.|

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