And thats a promise

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(T/W- violence)

River laughs as she sits with the pizza on her lap in the car, her dad overdramatically singing to Uptown Girl. Billy Joel's music was their thing. Ever since River could remember, they had been listening to his music together. Relief flooded through the teen as they pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building. They sat for a few minutes and finished singing the song until Richie cut the engine in the car and opened his door. River smiles and gets out of the car too, grabbing her empty bowl from that morning. Richie grabs her backpack and his brief case and the two walk into their apartment building, talking excitedly about Billy Joel.

"Thank god." Richie sighs as they walk through the door. They'd been at the school for an hour after Quinn and Eddie had left and Richie was exhausted. River smiles and walks to the kitchen area, placing down the pizzas onto the island." Kitchen or living room?"

"Up to you." River replies and Richie smiles, taking his pizza and going into the living room. He sits down on the couch and is then joined by River, who smiles at him as he puts on Mean Girls.

"I was thinking." Richie begins with a mouthful of Meat Feast pizza. River takes a bite out of her BBQ chicken pizza and looks at him. He swallow the food before he continues." Maybe we could do some baking tomorrow? Y'know, like when used to when you were a kid."

"I'd love that." River replies, her heart feeling warm with love. Richie smiles and looks back at the TV." So, how'd you like Quinn's dad?"

"Uhh he was cool." Richie says. He couldn't admit he found his teenage daughters best friends dad extremely attractive that was weird." We spoke about you guys for a little while...what's his deal? Is he married?"

"Yeah but he and his wife don't get on." River replies casually as she takes another bite of pizza." Quinn thinks he's gay."

With that, Richie inhales on his pizza and starts to cough. River smirks. She knew he found Quinn's dad attractive. She knows what he looks like when he's in love. Richie calms down and looks at her.

"Cool." Is all he says and River starts laughing." I feel like you said that to make me choke on my dinner-

"No it's true. We've spoken about it before. Quinn is fully under the impression her dad is gay." River explains with a chuckle as she and Richie go to take a bite of pizza at the same time. They weirdly do things at the same time a lot." Don't go interrogating him, though, dad. I get that you're into him but-

"Who says I'm into him?" Richie asks, blushing a deep red that makes his daughter laugh once more.

"I know your type, you aren't fooling me." She says and Richie blushes even more." Your type is short, brunettes with big brown eyes. Quinn's dad is a short, brunette with big brown eyes. He's exactly your type. I'm pretty sure Quinn said he has anger issues because she said that she gets hers from him."

Richie sits silently. He doesn't want to admit that he finds that information extremely attractive. He just finishes his pizza and then takes the pizza boxes and puts them on the side in the kitchen. The two then watch Mean Girls, River leaning her head on her dads shoulder. Richie smiles and plays with her hair gently.

Quinn stands in the hallway, looking at her dad. She's in her pyjamas and he's been quiet since getting home. Even when they ate dinner he was silent. Quinn was just glad her mom wasn't home.

"I'm going to bed now." Quinn states. No matter how old she was, she always wanted her dad to tuck her in at night.

"Okay, sweetheart." Eddie says, not taking his eyes off of the TV. Quinn sighs and fiddles with the sleeve of her jumper. Her pyjamas consist of red gym shorts and a white jumper.

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