Richie and Cece against the world

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Richie Tozier wasn't really ever late for work. But all that changed on one Friday morning in October of 2018. He had accidentally hit the snooze button on his alarm, leading to him and his daughter now frantically getting ready to head off to school. He taught drama at the high school his only daughter attended and he loved it.

"Quickly, River, quickly!" Richie sighs as he throws on a jacket so he can leave the house. His 17 year old is frantically brushing her hair, complaining about wanting to eat the bowl of cereal she made. River sighs and slides a headband into her hair.

Richie looks at his daughters outfit. She's wearing high waisted black pants with a white blouse and brown jumper tucked into them, a belt securing them. She puts on some lip gloss and then puts on her shoes, a nice black pair of brogues. She definitely had better taste in clothes then he had at her age. River grabs her backpack and then her bowl of cereal.

"I made this. I am not wasting it." She informs her dad as he grabs his keys before they leave their apartment. They rush down the stairs and onto the bottom floor, going over to Richie's car. It's a yellow Ford Mustang.

Richie pulls out of the parking lot and River props her feet up on the dashboard as she eats her cereal. Richie grins and opens his mouth, eyes still on the road. River feeds him a mouthful of her breakfast and she laughs before putting on their Spotify playlist using the AUX cord. Richie grins and the two sing along to Man or Muppet from the Muppet Movie.

"Fuck." River says as she places the empty bowl onto the back seat. She turns back around as they hit traffic.

"What?" Richie asks, glancing at her as she pushes her glasses up her nose.

"I forgot to put in my contacts." River replies and Richie laughs. She inherited his bad eye sight but she wore contacts, where as he didn't.

"Embrace your shitty eyes, Cece. Embrace them!" Richie says and River rolls her eyes. He was the only one to call her Cece as her full first name was River-Cecelia. Her mother had wanted River but her father had wanted Cecelia so they had settled for both.

"Wow, dad, thanks for the shitty eyes." River states sarcastically and Richie let's out a snort of laughter. The traffic clears up and they begin their chaotic journey to school once more.

"Hey, blame your grandfather. I got my eyes from him." Richie states with a chuckle, praying this traffic would hurry up. They were running super late.

"Thanks for the shitty eyes, grandad." River says to the air, chuckling slightly as she picks at a thread on the seat. Her dads car reeks of cigarettes. But, he was a smoker so she wouldn't expect anything else.

"Hey, that's my dad, don't forget." Richie teases, laughing when he's met with a glare from the younger Tozier." Kidding, bubba. I'm kidding."

The two then continue their journey by singing along to their playlist. They eventually get to the parking lot and Richie parks in his space. The two get out of the car, River putting on her bag and Richie grabbing his brief case. River puts her phone into her pocket and the two walk up the front steps. Waiting for her is Quinn Kaspbrak, her best friend since freshman year.

"Have a good day." Richie says, hugging River. She smiles as he plants a kiss on her forehead. No matter what and no matter how old she was, she always wanted a parting hug and kiss from her dad." Remember, if anything bad happens, tell me and I'll get you out of your lessons and you can sit in my room."

"Yeah I know." River says with a smile. She was bullied because Richie was the openly gay drama teacher." Have a good day, dad."

"I love you." Richie calls out as he begins to walk into the building.

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