Jekyll smiled at him and headed towards the large group of people as did Utterson subconsciously leaving Enfield behind..

"Dr Lanyon!"

Lanyon swiftly turned his head towards the direction he was being called

"Mr Utterson?"

"It has been so long, how have been?" Utterson replied now standing in front of him

"I've been well, please sit down!"

Utterson took a seat beside him and turned towards him

"So how are you finding the party?" asked Utterson

"Same as always, loud and far from peaceful, my definition of hell" Lanyon answered sipping a bit of whiskey

Utterson chuckled at the rather pessimistic comment his friend made.

"You haven't changed one bit, still as antisocial as ever"

"Quite right" Lanyon smiled

"I'm glad you and Jekyll are friends again"

"Heh, yes well we still have have our differences, I had to agree to disagree with his outlandish theories that lean more towards witchcraft and necromancy than science"

"Yes I quite agree with that, however I'm truly astonished that he was able to bring those theories to life"

"I can't deny it, he is truly an excellent scientist with a great mind, however, his mind can get him in trouble like last time- speaking of trouble, is it true that Jekyll decided to bring Hyde back?"

"Well, ah," Utterson was struggling to form a sentence unsure of wether to tell him or not. Suddenly a figure stood before him, interrupting his thoughts.

"Mr Utterson! where were you?! I've been looking everywhere for you" spoke Enfield startling the two men.

"Oh you mustn't worry Mr Enfield, I was just catching up with an old friend, you might know him, he's a famous scientist"

Enfield looked at the man beside Utterson, he was awfully close to him, Enfield, unpleased at the sight, felt his body fill with rage; why is he sitting so close to him? Did I miss something, impossible, I know everything about him. Why him? Is he trying to take my love away from me?

"No, I'm afraid I haven't heard of him." He spoke in a low dangerous tone that lacked emotion. Enfield knew exactly who this man was, but he wasn't going to feed into his ego, he didn't deserve the satisfaction.

"Oh well, may I introduce you to Dr Lanyon. He was a close friend of mine back in university, I hope we'll reach that level of intimacy again" Utterson explained with a content look that graced his face.

Close friends?! Intimacy?!?!

"Intimacy eh?" Lanyon chuckled

Utterson was puzzled at his friend's remark when he he suddenly felt the need to clear things up.

"No please I didn't mean it like that! I'm terribly sorry" he replied feeling his blood rush to his cheeks

"Yes I know Mr utterson, there's no need to apologise," placing his hand on to Utterson's shoulder "I was just joking, you're still as serious as ever, I should be the one apologising" Lanyon smiled at him.

Why is he touching him? Please make it stop! I can't endure this any longer.

"Mr Utterson come with me" Enfield harshly spoke


"..." no reply just a glare that spoke a thousand words

"Alright..." replied Utterson slightly intimidated by his friend's bizarre actions

"I'll save a seat for you!" exclaimed Lanyon

Utterson gratefully nodded and disappeared among the sea of people with the strange man beside him.

The two men reached a secluded area within the house, a dimly lit corridor that seemed to stretch for miles. Utterson felt uneasy due to his friend's unpredictability, he feared for the worst, Mr Enfield's demeanour had changed, it was foreign to him, the man's eyes where green with envy and disgust glaring down at him like a lion about to indulge his pray.

"Mr Enfield, is everything alright?"

"Does it look like I'm alright? I'm not, I'm far from it, and it's his fault."

"What are you talking about?"

"That man you where talking to earlier!"

"He didn't do anything wrong,"

"He didn't do anything wrong" he mimicked

"What is wrong with you Mr Enfield?"


Utterson stared in shock, what on earth is going on with this man.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault" Enfield spoke weakly and placed his back against the wall and slid down against it until he felt the cold wooden floor beneath him "I don't know what's happening to me, lately I've been suffering from outbursts of anger towards the people I... love...and I hate it, I went to see a physician in the hope he could fix my issue but luck wasn't on my side, please have patience towards me, I know you're probably getting frustrated and starting to resent me.. but my actions have no malicious intent...I promise" Enfield's eyes became glossy as salty droplets ran down his face "I'm a pathetic excuse of a man, I hate myself"

Utterson's heart sank and instinctively grabbed him and pulled him into a hug caressing his back hoping to provide comfort

"It's going to be alright, I'll be here for you, Richard"

Enfield tried his best to hold back a moan, Uttersons touch was electrifying, he was joyous, ecstatic, however he felt bad for lying to him and taking advantage of his good nature but it was for the greater good, soon his touch, his sight, his heart will belong to himself only him. Enfield tightly hugged his friend back pushing him closer to his torso hoping to prolong this moment. Which was abruptly discontinued by the enthusiastic voice of the host in the other room.

"Dinner is served!"

Cheering of the guests followed as they all headed to the large decorated dining room.

"We should go now, I'm ravenous" chuckled Utterson as he stood up from the spot

 𝑇𝐻𝐸  𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑀𝐸 𝑂𝐹 𝐷𝑈𝐴𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑌  [𝕛𝕖𝕜𝕪𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕪𝕕𝕖]Where stories live. Discover now