{35} ~ Freestyle Swimming with 1-A ~

Start from the beginning

"I texted him about endurance training , but he never answered me." He said.

" O-oh." You said.

Hmm that's weird Katsuki told me he was coming . Where the heck is he ? You thought as Deku continued to have a conversation with Iida when ...

" The next time I beat you I want you to be at your strongest you damn nerd !" An angry voice yelled.

You looked up and your face heated up as you spotted an angry Katsuki Bakugo stomping towards Deku.

This is not going to end well . You thought as you watched the scene unfold.

"So Deku , you wanna settle who's the best of us right now huh !?" Katsuki yelled with tiny explosions coming out of his hands.

" No that's not it." Deku said waving his hands in front of him.

You decided to step in and walked over to them.

" Just once I would like it if my boyfriend and brother could get along. " You said placing a hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

" Boyfriend!?" The class exclaimed.

" That's right you heard her you bunch of extras so stay away from my girlfriend. She's mine ! " He said putting his arm around you.

You laughed at his reaction and kissed him on the cheek .

" N-not in front of all these extras you damn firefly." He said wide eyed and face red.

" Oh hush you damn firecracker you know you like it." You teased.

He made his famous 'tch' sound as his ears turned pink pulling you away from the class.

Your looked into your boyfriend's beautiful crimson eyes before you started checking him out.

" Oi checking out your hot boyfriend Firefly?" Katsuki teased.

" You're always hot Katsuki, but I'm liking the view. " You teased with a wink.

" Tch. Come here beautiful. " He said placing a hand under your chin pulling you in.

"K-Katsuki we should probably join the others. " You said in between kisses.

" Sorry Firefly but I'm just getting started ." He said turning his head to deepen the kiss.

" Oh Katsuki...." You groaned into the kiss.

The 50 Meter Race

" Hey everyone I propose we see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest a friendly race. " Iida said with his hand raised.

" That sounds fun. " Sero said.

" Iida can we help ?" Ths girls said.

" Yes please." He said smiling .

" And quirks ?" Kiri asked.

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