Chapter twenty ☹︎

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[y/n] POV:


I was walking down the hallway down to meet Hange for another experiment, and help with some paperwork, when I saw Reiner walked by in the hallway.

He walked by and said hi, I ignored him, not wanting the incident from the other night repeat itself. But that's what's caused it to happened again. As he walked by he tripped me and I feel to the floor with a hard thud.

"Ow.." I said groaning and rolling over. As soon as I was fully on my back, Reiner took he foot and continued to stomp on my rib cage over, and over again, at least breaking 2 ribs.

I was crying silently. I couldn't make a noise. As soon as he was done with his fun, he bent down and grabbed my hair the same way he did that night. "Tell anyone and I kill you and Hange without a moments hesitation." Then slammed my head on the floor, and ran off down the hallway.

I payed there for a good 15 minutes, then finally manage to crawl to Hanges room. When I get it their door I pound on it with the palm of my hand, smoke already coming from my ribs slowly healing the bones. Even with that I couldn't stand.

"State your name and business." I heard them say from inside. "H-help" I managed to mutter. I heard a violent crash and loud running to the door.

The doors flung open to reveal a worried as hell Hange. "What the hell happned?!" They said, scooping me up in their arms, me wincing with every step they took.

"What happened?" They said when I was finally all bandaged up. Before I could say, Levi burst in the room looking just as worried a moment ago. "[y/n]?! Are you okay!" He said as he ran in and to my bed side. Steam was clouding the room ever so slightly, and my ribs were already starting to feel better.

"Better than a minute ago" I said chuckling, wincing at the pain from sudden movement. "How did this happen?" I thought for a moment then finally said, "I fell down the stairs and hit the corner of the stair a little too hard." I said looking from Hange to Levi, hopefully they wouldn't catch onto the lie.

"Was anyone around?" Hange said looking down at me and pushing up their glasses. "No"
I shook my head. Hange put their head down and Levi looked at me like I was a suspect to a crime. I looked at him then looked away.

Nobody's POV:

If Levi ever caught on, he never expressed it.

This continued happening to [y/n] every time she re-healed. Reiner would 'bump' into her and beat her until her bones were broken. Some days she would go back to her room and rely on her titan powers to heal her, other times she went to Hange to get healed.

But one time, with one action, it changed everything.

[y/n] POV:

I was getting my daily beating by Reiner, when he grabbed me by my hair, and instead of giving me his, 'tell anyone and I kill you and Hange' he dragged me by my hair into some kind of cleaning closet. "Stay here. If you leave, I'll make sure your next beating is worse than anything you've ever seen." Reiner said before running away.

At least this gave me time to cry a little louder right after the event. I had a large scar over my eye because he decided to use a knife this time. He carved his name into my arm as if it was some sort of Trophy for him. I looked at it and threw my head back crying. "Why me?" I whispered. I could never get away from this could I.

Before my body could really start healing itself, the doors of the closet started opening. Assuming it was Reiner I said, "Reiner please. I can't take any more today." But instead of Reiner, there in the doorway, stood none other than my 5'2 brother, looking horrified.

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