Do you want colin headcannons?

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Gender: Male (cisgender)

Appearance: He glows. Pale skin with patches of grey skin. Both of his legs are robotic because he born without them. He has green eyes this styled hair that is silver with black tips. He wear a with long sleeve shirt with a beige sleeveless sweater with colorful squares in the middle of it. He also wears thick, chunky, black glasses and a banana that covers his mouth that looks like the squares on his sweater. He also has blue pants and black sneakers.

Personality: He's is very cocky and also a people-pleaser. He about the life at the party and he like being correct all that time. Unfortunately, because he's a old model of a computer, he get viruses very easily and has to be very careful when looking for data on the web. And he play arcade breaker in his head when you're boring and you can see him play in his eyes.

And he dates Tony lol.

Things that he likes:
People talking about him (in a good way)
Social media

Things that he dislikes:

Things that he hates:
Thinking about what Roy searched for
Talking about 'better' technology
Talking about his lesson
People calling him old fashioned

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