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Gender: Male (cisgender)

Appearance: Very short and glows a bit. He have cyan skin with navy blue hair. One of his eyes is red and the other eye is pink and heart-shaped. He has round looking hair with two antennas and yellow wings with a pattern on them. He wears a a too big gray hand-me-down and blue-green shorts. He wears white socks, black shoes with a heart shaped necklace.

Personality: He is a whiny person that likes to be around people, but Malcolm is trying to get him away. He hates homosexuality, but supports trans rights. He can't remember many bad things in his life, but he can remember fire and how it burns and Roy and stuff he did. He is also a crybaby when he's alone, but is very happy outside, if something goes wrong.

Also he secretly dates Larry lol.

Things he likes:
Being alone

Things he dislikes:
Getting wing touch harshly (they are fragile)
Homosexuality (sort of)

Things he hate:
People babying him
People talking badly about Malcolm
Roy (undisclosed reasons)

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