Chapter 17 - The War Is Over

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SixRyder (Pixiv)

I will be skipping most parts of the War of Underworld parts in this chapter because they are just the same. So if you want a refresh or if you haven't seen them yet (even though I advised you did before the beginning of the arc) then you should have a quick rewatch or reread, especially the last twelve episodes.

"Y/N?" Sinon calls your name.

"Hm?" You mumble in reply. You were both sitting on the hard ground, backs against the pillar. Sinon had her head rested against your shoulder. You had your eyes closed, letting the small bit of wind hit your face. Both of your faces were still flushed with red from what happened just only minutes ago.

"You won't get mad at me, will you?"

"What for?" You open your eyes to look at her.

"Well... for liking Kirito, I guess. Not now, obviously! I meant before."

"Why would I get mad? The guy's a chick magnet. All the girls in our little group of friends have fallen for him. Especially Silica." Sinon chuckled. "To be honest, I don't doubt that those girls - Tiese and Ronie was it? I bet he's got them fawning all over him, along with some other females in the Underworld. The only one I think hasn't fallen for Kirito yet is Kureha, and that's 'cause she hasn't been with us for long. Give her time and she'll be just like the others. Well, that's if Akira doesn't get to her first."

"Akira? Does he like Kureha or something?"

"Yeah. He tried to get me with you, and in return, I had to help him get with Kureha."

Sinon lifts her head from your shoulder. "I remember something when we were training with Akira, Kureha, and Zeliska for the BoB. You wanted me and Zeliska to come with you to train. Was that part of your deal?" You nod.

"There weren't many opportunities for them to hang out together because of the training, but I did as much as I could." You explain. "When we get back I'll have to set him up on a date with Kureha."

"Like what he did to us?" Sinon giggles. "Sounds fun. Count me in!" She lays her head down back on your shoulder. A long, comfortable silence washed over the both of you. It's funny. Despite what happened - losing an arm, and Sinon her legs - you were extremely happy. It may have even been the happiest day of your life. The girl you loved was resting her head on your shoulder right after you both had kissed. You reminisce at the moment, face growing ever so slightly more blushed. Sinon eventually breaks the quiet with a question.

"The others... do you think they'll be okay?"

"It's hard to say. The people from the Underworld are strong - the Integrity Knights are even stronger - but the Dark Territory have numbers. It'll be difficult to take out so many red knights by themselves. Unless they can convince them to stop fighting, as much as it pains me to say, the chances of winning will be very slim." Sinon sighs.

"I feel so useless just sitting here."

"So do I. But there isn't a lot we can do. We've used up all of our energy and we're missing some limbs. Even with the god accounts, we can't do much. All we can do is sit and wait for Alice to make it to the alter."

"What about Kirito? If the Dark Territory overwhelms them, then what will happen to him? If he wakes up then he won't recover."

"I know..." You sigh. "But knowing Kirito, I also know he'll wake up. And right at the most convenient time. Probably when everyone is in danger the most." Sinon giggles.

"That sure sounds like him."

"The best we can do is believe in him."


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