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Back when Y/N was still in high school, she had been introduced to the fellow Brampton native. He was kind from what she remembered although they didn't talk much. He was already playing in dallas at that point and he had met Addison while at a cowboys game. They hit it off and after their first year together, Addison had brought him home to meet the family.

She chose Christmas off all times, knowing that Y/N's mother and Father would have to be especially nice to whomever she brought with her. Not that it was even an issue. From the first moment they laid eyes on him, Marty and Helen adored Tyler Seguin. But for Y/N, it would take a little longer until she warmed up to him.

It wasn't because she thought he was suspicious or rude, but it was simply because she was so busy. Even in her Junior year, Y/N had been working hard to get into college. She was constantly writing essays and taking practice SATs, it was honestly a surprise that she had time to eat and sleep.

Her sister didn't think much of it- often calling her a brainiac or a nerd- which her parents blamed on her being jealous that school didn't come as naturally to her. But if anything, school was the furthest thing from natural to

Y/N. She put a lot of effort into what she accomplished.

Which Tyler saw.

It was the night before he would be heading back to dallas for the rest of the season that him and Y/N finally struck up a conversation. Everyone had gone to sleep hours ago, but Tyler had woken up to use the bathroom. As he passed through the hall, he noticed that Y/N's bedroom door was opened slightly and that her light was on. He didn't know if he'd get the chance to say goodbye to her the next morning so he thought he would do it then.

His footsteps were light as he did his best to remain quiet, not wanting to wake Addison or her parents who were sleeping in the next two rooms. He reached out and pushed Y/N's door open a bit more- "Y/N?" He whispered softly.

But his gaze fell against the teenager, slumped over her desk- asleep in a chapter of Algebraic functions. He couldn't help but chuckle- it reminded him of his own sisters. Deciding that it would be better if he woke her up, he crossed the distance and softly patted her shoulder. "Y/N..." He repeated.

A low groan left the girl's lips as she pouted, lifting her head and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her hoodie was almost choking her from the odd position she had fallen asleep in. She turned and saw Tyler, instantly having wide eyes as she tried to fix her appearance. "What time is it?" She asked worriedly, reaching for her phone.

Tyler chuckled. "Just after three am." He answered her. "You should probably get to bed though kiddo." He smiled.

But Y/N just shook her head. "No no... thats okay- thanks for waking me- I have to finish this chapter." She told him, already grabbing her pencil and calculator.

Watching as she started to go back to work, Tyler was almost frozen in place- he didn't know why, but he thought what Y/N was doing was impressive. "You work hard don't you?" He asked. He couldn't imagine doing homework on Christmas break. "You seem really smart."

The girl looked up at him in surprise, her eyes widening at his words. "I uh- I work hard yes." she smiled bashfully, glancing at the floor as she tried to advert his gaze. "You should probably go to bed- don't you have a flight in the morning?" she asked.

Tyler nodded softly. "Yeah I do- I just wanted to come in and say goodnight since I saw your light was on... you know just incase i dont get the chance to in the morning." he told her.

Well that was new. Never had Addison's boyfriends paid any attention to Y/N before, but here was Tyler suddenly complimenting her work ethic and going out of his way to say goodbye. "You should get some rest though too- how long have you been at this?" he asked.

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