"Wow. Very soon we'll have two little marauders running around and I feel bad for McGonagall."

"Can we focus on the task at hand?" Moody demanded.

"Can't we have a little fun?" Iris asked innocently.

"No, we need to get moving. Potter still has the trace on him." Moody said, annoyed.

"Meaning to say the ministry will know who wipes his nose in a matter of speaking." Iris piped up.

"Will you shut up?" Moody demanded, slightly irritated.


"Everyone here I trust except for those two." Harry said glaring at the two Slytherin.

"The feeling is mutual, Pottah." Draco sneered.

"And I believe the Titanic has hit an iceberg. Everyone abandon ship before they drag us down with them." Iris said dramatically.

"What on earth is she talking about?" The twins asked.

"Let's just say we have to deal with him and Harry's little brother butting heads." Goyle said, shaking his head.

"Anyway I believe everyone is quite familiar with this potion." Moody said, taking out a small flask and popping open the lid. When Harry realized it was poly juice potion he was against it.

"Absolutely not."

"I told you he wouldn't take it well." Hermione said.

"I don't want any of you risking your lives for me."

"It's not like we haven't done that before." Ron piped up.

"This is different. Taking that! Becoming me, no!" Harry argued.

"None of us really fancy it mate." Fred said.

"Yeah, imagine if something went wrong and we'd be stuck as scrawny, speckled gits forever?"

"I agree with the Weasel twins." Draco said, folding his arms.

"Draco." Iris warned. Draco sighed.

"Everyone here is of age and know the risks." Moody said bluntly. Hermione grabbed a fist full of Harry's hair causing him to Yelp out in pain. She walked over to Moody and placed the hairs into the flask.

"Fair warning. It tastes like goblin's piss." Moody said, handing the flask to Fred.

"Have an awful lot of experience with that? Do you Mad Eye?" Fred said innocently. Moody glared at him.

"Just trying to defuse the tension." Fred said, taking a sip from the flask. He made a face and handed it to George. Before long there were nine Harry Potters.

"Wow, we're identical." The twins said.

"Not yet you're not." Moody said dropping a pile of Harry's clothes on the floor.

"Malfoy is with me, Iris is with Black and Goyle is with Simon. Harry you're with Hagrid." Moody said adjusting to the changes.

"How do you even see out of these things, Pottah?" Draco asked, putting on a pair of Harry's famous round glasses.

"Remind me to introduce you to laser surgery." Iris said as she put on one of her brother's jackets.

The group of eighteen trooped outside. Iris took a seat on the back of Buckbeak the hippogriff that nearly "killed" Draco in third year. Draco eyed the creature and swallowed hard.

"So that's what happened to that thing." He said disgustedly, mounting his nimbus two thousand and one.

"Everyone come back in one piece. We don't need anyone holey or losing ears." Sirius felt Iris tense up after she finished saying that.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concerned as everyone took off.

"Me? I'm just peachy! We're just a bunch of sitting ducks for you know who and his stormtroopers." Iris said sarcastically.

"Is there anything I need to know about?"

"Hedwig is about to die in three, two, one... wands out." Iris ordered as she casted a stupify wandlessly.

"Is that-"

"Yes it's darth Vader and his stormtroopers. This is what I planned on doing when I woke up this morning. I totally wanted to battle these wankers."

"You didn't have to volunteer for this." Sirius pointed out.

"Of course I had to volunteer as tribute for this. He is my brother after all."

"You're a real strange one, Iris. Did anyone ever tell you that?"

"I could say the same thing about you. What was my father thinking befriending someone like you? Remus I understand, but you? Did he bloody lose his mind?"

"Will you shut up? I'm trying to focus on not getting killed over here." Sirius shot back.

When they finally got to the Burrow Iris found
herself on the other end of Remus' wand.

"In fifth year during detention you asked me to write lines and instead I wrote names. Names of couples that I knew were destined to be together and when you asked me who Nymphadora was I told you she only likes to be called Tonks and you freaked out because she was Padfoot's cousin. You also paired me with Cedric to help him with defense spells not knowing we'd become best friends. You're the only one that knows I confronted a death eater with a broken wand and accompanied me to get my new one. Now can I go heal George?" Iris rambled. Remus lowered his wand satisfied with her answer. Just before he was able to point his wand on Sirius, Sirius transformed into Padfoot.

Iris quickly hurried into the Burrow to find her best friend lying on the couch bloodied and half dead. George did the one thing she asked everyone not to.  He did not come back in one piece. Iris knew he was missing an ear.

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