"Don't you need us to hel-" Jisung began, but he was cut off.

"No, he'll be scared, let me take care of him." Minho's tone was sharp and hostile, but the rest knew it was only because he was concerned. He'd just seen another of his own kind get brutally attacked; something the albino boy was all too familiar with.

~~ 🍣 ~~


The three human boys sat in quelled silence in Jisung's living room. Each had a lot of their mind. Was the boy okay? How was Minho feeling? For Jisung, there were two unique queries that had been troubling him all the way home. Firstly, how could two individuals hate hybrids so much. Jisung thought they lived in harmony, blissfully equal and at peace with their differences. And second, what on earth was a catcuck? Too occupied with not knowing the answer to the latter, the brunette let the question out.

"Guys.. what's a catcuck?"


"The guy back at the
park called us it."

"Did, did he?"

"We don't know."

A frown took over Jisung's lips. Changbin's hurried answer clearly meant he wasn't being truthful, but before the youngest got the chance to call it out, him and Hyunjin had already started to discuss something about the latest episode of Attack on Titan. What are you two hiding from me?

Upstairs in Jisung's room, Minho was wiping down the patches of dried blood from the boy's face and body. He was named Felix, a bengal breed that had come over from Australia with his boyfriend.

"Why were you outside without a hat?" Minho asked, his voice remaining calm and collected whilst he paid extra care to cleaning up the boy's caramel spotted tail.

"I d-did have one!" Felix exclaimed, wincing at the sensitivity of his tail, "but it blew off in the wind. I had arranged to meet Chan at the park after he'd finished work, but when my hat blew away those guys.." Tears gathered at the far corners of Felix's eyes, and Minho caught them with his fingers.

"Don't cry, you're safe now." Forcing back more tears, the ginger cat scanned the details of his new acquaintance's face. He was incredibly pretty, with features inherited by the most ethereal of deities. Though, on further inspection, his skin was dully patched, and those stark, rouge eyes seemed to hold a thousand and one memories of pain and anguish.

"You live with your boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's one of the only humans
to ever be kind to me."

"I didn't even think humans
could be kind.."

"You have those boys downstairs,
are they not?"

That question wasn't answered for a while, as Minho instead focused on taking Felix to the bathroom to get a shower. Hybrid's naturally adapted to be familiar with each other, so neither boy took it as anything when they both stripped and stepped under the warm waterfall. Felix could sense Minho's troubles, and despite them now being physically close, he didn't expect the older to suddenly be so emotionally open. Patiently he let the albino wash and rinse down his aching body, carefully noticing the bruises and scars along his pale skin.

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