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An hour after Ahsoka left the order

Y/N heard a knock at the door so she opened it and was surprised to see Ahsoka with tears streaming down her face, she immediately brought her inside and said "Love? Whats wrong?"

Ahsoka only cried in response so Y/N hugged her before she brought her to the bedroom.

Ahsoka cried in Y/N arms as they sat on the bed together, she told Y/N about how the council had welcomed her back but she refused and left the Jedi order.

Y/N didn't know what to say so she just held her tight and hoped that the tears would eventually stop.

After about 5 minutes they did but Ahsoka refused to pull away from her.

Y/N decided to make some hot chocolate to make her feel better so she helped Ahsoka stand up before leading her towards there couch.

She set her down onto the couch before going to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

After about 3 minutes she returned with 2 mugs and and gave her one.

Ahsoka smiled at her and took it before Y/N sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

She then wrapped a blanket around them before turning on the TV in hope of distracting Ahsoka's mind from the betrayal and after a while Ahsoka's smile came back a little and Y/N kissed her cheek.

Ahsoka smiles at her and said "thank you." Y/N smiled at her and said "of course love" before kissing her again.

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