He stopped right in front of her and his eyes were glowing with something that made her gulp. He was proud, and she was his victim. Again.

She was going to die, because he was going to kill her.

Wake up, she said, still believing it was a bad dream. It had to be; it had to be only a bad dream.

But when he took out a knife that shone through the darkness, and lifted his hand up, she was sure se would die. He was going to attack her again, and this time he was going to go all the way through. She closed her eyes.

Wake up!

She opened her eyes with her breathing out of control, her hands moving everywhere trying to catch him before he could stab her.

She then realized she was lying on a bed and her chest was moving according to her erratic breaths. She was all sweaty and trembling at the same time. Oh god, she was so scared. Little whimpers left her lips as she tried to catch on to her surroundings.

Tears were running down her cheeks and she couldn't quite make up who was holding her still, but it wasn't him. It was one of her bandmates.

She was actually okay. It was just a dream. She didn't die; it was just a bad dream.

"Eunsae, are you okay?", it was Jungwon.

She let out a relieved sigh and wiped her tears and the sweat that had accumulated on her forehead and tried so hard to steady her heartbeats.

"I-I'm", she tried to get some words out but she couldn't. She was still terrified. Her lips quivered and her breaths were still shallow.

He helped her sit up, and held her tightly against his chest. She was tense and he rubbed her back slightly, touching her as if she would break. Maybe she would.

"It's okay, you're safe. You're home", he mumbled against her hair. She nodded silently and then she could feel herself loosening up a little. "Are you feeling better now?", he asked.

She let out a long sigh. She didn't know. Was she supposed to say yes?

She shrugged and let out a heartbroken giggle.

"What time is it?", she asked lowly. He checked his wrist clock and sighed.

"Three forty seven", he stated.

"Oh. You should go back to sleep", she said while getting up from her bed.

"Are you sure you're okay?", he asked, mirroring her. He stood there, awkwardly as she searched for a sweater.

She found Jake's that was on the floor next to her charging phone and put it on. She unplugged her phone and put it in her pocket.

"Yeah, gonna go get some tea", she patted his shoulder a little and started walking towards the door. "Please don't wait for me, it might take me a while to come back and I'd hate to see you losing sleep time because you're worried. I'm fine, it was a just little bad dream, nothing to worry about".

Eunsae smiled even though she knew he couldn't quite see her and then left the room. They slept with the door opened, but she closed it behind her. She didn't want to wake anyone else up.

Her breathing was finally back to normal and she put a hand on her chest before closing her eyes and sighing. He looked so real, and her fear felt so real too.

But it was okay, that nightmare was nothing compared to the oned she used to have. It was quite surprising that she started having those again, it had been a while since she had her last episode.

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