Start from the beginning

one of the men raised his wand, "vulnera sanentur" he commanded boredly.

"what part of 'i don't know' haven't you gotten?" harlow spat.

"you must know something," he said frustrated, "and i will find out what that something is."

she rolled her eyes, "we're gonna be here for a really long time then."

"i suppose we are." he agreed, plunging the knife into her once more causing her to scream.


cedric slammed the door to dumbledore's office open. snape and dumbledore, who were holding a map, looked up at him, snape rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the map. in his office sat harry, patiently who jumped at cedric's sudden entrance.

"so? anything?" cedric inquiered.

"he certainly has a flare for the dramatic." muttered professor snape to dumbledore, who shot him a dirty look.

"no," he shook his head, "we've tried everything, where ever she is, whoever has her doesn't want her to be found."

cedric nodded, "i know, i tried a different sort of tracking spell today and still nothing."

snape eyed him, "be careful cedric, i know you want to find her but don't do anything rash or stupid."

"it's not like you're doing anything." cedric scoffed, "you guys have practically given up."

"no we haven't." harry spoke up, "we're arranging another search party for later tonight."

"a search party tonight?" cedric tried to stop his laughter, "no ones going to go, especially tonight."

harry sighed, "i know, i just figured if all went well and we found her tonight, she'd be home for christmas, at least the end of it anyways."

cedric snickered, "well considering christmas has come and is just about to pass, that's rather optimistic."

he gave him a side eye, "i guess."

dumbledore spoke up and moved closer towards the boys, "we cant lose hope, she'll be okay and we'll get her back. wherever she is."


harlow's aching body hit the cold cement as one of the men threw her to the ground of her cell. he threw a brown paper bag at her and came into the cell. harlow attempted to sit up when he kicked her in the stomach. he took one of harlow's hands and put it in a chain that was bolted into the floor.

"what's in the bag?" harlow asked him in a raspy voice.

"figured since today's special perhaps we were to give you a gift." the man told her.

harlow grabbed the bag and opened it, she took out what was inside of it. "bottled water, tooth paste, and a toothbrush. wow it must really be christmas."

"i can just as easily take it away." he spat.

"no, no, please." she begged, "a better gift would be to let me go."

"i can't do that." he walked out of the cell, another figure approached him.

the figure spoke, "we need to talk, send someone to guard the girl."

the man turned from harlow and nodded at the figure. he locked the cell, and turned back to harlow, "and don't try anything, those chains are-"

"indestructible, i know." she rolled her eyes.

the man nodded before following the figure up the stairs, she heard him talk to one of the other men and saw a man come down and sit by her cell. harlow took out the toothbrush and took toothpaste out of the bag. she put the toothpaste on the brush and began brushing her teeth.

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²Where stories live. Discover now