you were abruptly pulled out of your thoughts as you realized you were coming up the fbi building.

spencer was already sat at his next engrossed in a book of some sort, you couldn't see what it was exactly from the distance you were standing but you were sure it would be something old.

as you approached his desk you saw him turn around and his eyes fill with happiness and he smiled your way

'y/n!' he announced in a whisper shout as he walked up to you to embrace you in a warm hug.

he usually dint liked touching people this much but with you, he always seemed to make an exception. as the both of you pulled away from the hug you questioned him about his book.

'jane eyre, an oldie but a goldie i say.' he said in a happy voice

'i'd have to agree,' you said as you took in his appearance

he was wearing a white shirt with a grey jumper on top with a brown suit jacket

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he was wearing a white shirt with a grey jumper on top with a brown suit jacket. his hair was gelled slightly and tucked loosely behind his ears, his black glasses sitting high on his cute button nose.

god you looked good you thought to yourself as you looked him up and down many times.

'what was that?' you heard him say in a confused manner

you widened your eyes, unsure of what to say 'uhm, i- i said you look good spencer.' you looked away in embarrassment, trying desperately to end the conversation.

'so do you.'

'huh?' you asked

'you look really pretty today y/n' he smiled pulling you eyes back to his, suddenly he panicked 'not- not that you don't look pretty everyday y/n you look pretty every day I was just returning the compliment because i-'

'spencey it's fine' you laughed and his faced blush a light pinkish colour.

'y/n i wanted to ask you something.' spencer stepped forward,

'oh yeah? whats that.'

'would you urm, no I. wouldyouliketogooutwihtmethisweekendtothemoviesbfgiuuerh' spencers words all mushed together at the end and you were extremely unsure if whatever had just come out of his mouth was even english.

'spence, what?' you giggled slightly as his face began to flush an even redder colour.

'i said-'

'guys we have a case, the roundtable is waiting.' hotches voice suddenly boomed out into the bullpen pulling everyone away from their conversations and into the room where there laid chunky-looking case files and scattered mugs of coffee.

'we can talk about it later spence don't worry,' you kissed him on the cheek as you gave him a warm smile and walked yourself up the stairs and into the warm room that was the roundtable.

your swell mood was suddenly plummeting as you looked up onto the board at the front of the room where garcia stood and saw three dead bodies. they were black and covered in ash, they had been completely burned lave and you couldn't even work out the vague facial features anymore.

'three women were all found dead along the course of last week in Miami, they were all set up in public places like benches and bridges and had four-degree burns - that was the skin that is left of course' you moved her eyes as far away from the board as was humanly possible.

'there's clearly no signs of remorse here, this unsub has completely obliterated these bodies beyond identification and then leaving them out in the open shows no care' you stated plainly and you read through the file garcia had just placed down in front of you.

'yeah, he has care for the bodies, not the victims.' spencer started 'he wants the world to see his work and he wants the recognition of being able to do such things.'

'you say he spence, what makes you think that' hotch looked at him.

'they clearly feel an immense feeling of hatred towards women, pone that we rarely see women show. it makes a whole lot more sense if the unsub is male, the lack of remorse could mean he's had a recent divorce or mother die.' you covered for spencer

'either way, this unsub is killing fast and it's only a matter of time before another charred body shows up in a park for hundreds of children to see,' morgan packed up his file and began to stand up

'i agree, we need to get this profile nailed to a t and fast. we don't have long.' emily added

'wheels up in 30'

(1309 words)

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