Rearing back, Adrian shook his body, ruffling his feathers on his winged arms before he started preening them. Darius chuckled, making Adrian look up briefly before he disregarded the sound and continued preening.

Only when his feathers were back to tip-top condition and within their original position, did Adrian stand to his full height.

He realized most, if not all of the prey had retreated safely within the buildings. Several predators, mostly adults, were still lingering outside.

And all their eyes were on Adrian.

Adrian let out a little thrill in the back of his throat, too soft to be a growl. Merely a sound of interest... curiosity.

His eyes widened, hackles raising instantly as a similar sound escaped Darius. Adrian shuffled his weight, claw tapping on the floor, backing off when Darius handed over the little kit and took a few steps forward.

Within the blink of an eye, the man shifted, shaking out his own feathers while Adrian watched him carefully.

The Utah raptor snorted, feathers ruffled in his hackles as he slowly approached Adrian. Adrian hissed warningly, crouching slightly, not in submission.

But to coil those powerful muscles within his legs, preparing to pounce if need be. Adrian didn't want to; he could tell just how powerful the raptor in front of him was.

However, surprise jolted through his body when Darius called out... and Adrian could understand the croon perfectly.

"Calm. You are not my prey."

Adrian snorted in shock, shaking his head to get rid of the pins and needles feeling of his feathers bristling.

It had been a long time ago since he had been able to vocalize. Speak within his animal form and be understood... the last time was in fact with his siblings before they were killed off.

So to have someone be able to speak to him in a manner even his beast understood, was thrilling, exciting.

"Who are you?" Adrian voiced, throat shivering on the low thrill that escaped him. His feathers were standing on edge to show his excitement. Feet shuffling constantly, nervous energy gathering into his muscles.

The powerful raptor across from him shook his own ruffled feathers, stepping cautiously around Adrian. "I am Darius. Was found as a hatchling, raised here." He snorted, shaking his head. "Our kin isn't exactly known for their childrearing abilities."

Adrian tilted his head, not quite understanding what Darius meant with childrearing abilities, but he caught the gist of it. He knew there were shifter species who had more care, stayed longer with their young, if they even left them to begin with.

"Do you remember when your parents left you?" Darius asked curiously, leaning in to sniff at Adrian's feathers. Adrian froze, standing absolutely still. It was a great risk, to allow Darius so close to him; if he attacked, Adrian would have no time to dodge.

Trying his best to focus, Adrian thought back, cringing back when Darius' muzzle pressed against his sensitive feathers. "Past hatchlings... we knew how to hunt, how to take down prey but... Several seasons?"

Adrian didn't really have a concept of time. Time was a continuation of days and seasons, of hot summers followed by long, cold winters.

Times were prey was plentiful, easy to find and young. And of course, there were times where the young had grown up, had learned from their experiences and where the prey was scarce, hard to find and lean.

"I think I've experienced snow once? We were alone in our second snow." Adrian replied hesitantly, claw tapping on the floor. "They were there when the leaves fell but, one morning they were gone."

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