Make Me Go: Darkness

Start from the beginning

I slowly felt my whole body weakened.It's as if my strength was taken away from me

I felt dizzy and sleepy..

"U-unnie,h-help me.."

"We're her,Mina.."

Their voices were fading away slowly while I'm getting more sleepy

"H-help me,please.."

I can't hear their voices anymore..Where are they..

" me please..I-I'm scared"


I groaned in pain as soon as I woke up.But then again, darkness surrounded me

I started crying so silently..

This darkness was scaring me,it's making me loose my mind..I'm so scared..

Suddenly,I felt a hand touched mine and later on, wiped my tears away.I cried harder when I realized who's the owner of the hands

"C-chaeyoung?I-Is that you?"

I heard her sniffed.She's crying as well but she's not answering me

"It's you,right?"

I know it's her.I'm pretty sure it's really her


"Hi again,Ms.Myoui.Once again,I'm doctor Park JinYoung"

"D-doc??what is happening to me? W-why can't I see anything?"

"I'm sorry Ms.Myoui..actually we already ran some tests and according to the results,because of the severe concussion you got from the accident,your optic nerves were damaged which leads you to blindness"

My world stopped as tears streamed down my face.


"Unfortunately,Yes Ms.Myoui..A severe concussion can cause temporary blindness or long-lasting vision-related symptoms.Some injuries such as severe concussions could cause permanent damage to the optic nerve which may lead to temporary blindness or worst, permanent blindness.."

Out of shock,I went so speechless.I can't even utter any single word at all.All I can do is to cry and weep for this very unfortunate thing that happened to me

The doctor keeps talking about my condition but I'm too occupied by my own thoughts..Too scared of the things that are going to happen

Is this my karma?Is this my prize for hurting Chaeyoung?God,Is this your way to make me suffer?

Do I even really deserve this?Do I really have to live with this darkness all my life just to pay for the wrongful things I've done?Do I really have to suffer this far?

I cried and cried..

It's all I can do.I feel so hopeless..I feel so weak..
I am so scared..So scared to even think how will I live for the rest of my days

How will I even survive a day without a sight? How?

I heard the doctor excused himself and left the room but here I am,still crying as hard as I can hoping God would hear my sobs

God,please..If this is a bad dream,please wake me up.
I don't wanna live my life living in plain darkness..

"C-calm down,Mina..."

"C-chaeyoung?I-Is that really you?"

I felt a hand touched mine and squeezed them.I cried harder when I felt the familiar soft skin touched my trembling hands

"Y-yes, Mina..I'm here.."

I cried harder but this time,she hugged me..
She hugged me so tightly

"C-chaeyoung..I'm so s-scared.."

"Don't be Mina..We are all here for you..I-I'm here for you.."

Her words were enough go comfort me but I can't still stop crying.I'm too afraid,too afraid of this darkness that surrounds me.Too afraid this darkness that blinds me..

Too afraid that this plain darkness would be my world starting from now..


After a week of staying in the hospital,I am finally discharged.Now,I'm here in my house,crying..

It's been the only thing I've been doing lately,to cry and cry until I felt asleep.I don't even wanted to opened my eyes anymore,besides it's just the same darkness that will welcomed me as soon as I opened my eyes

I badly wanted to end my life now.I don't want to suffer this way

Now,my mom is living with me.I feel so ashamed. I feel so useless.She's too old to take care of me,to take care of a useless blind woman

Jeongyeon unnie and the rest of the girls always visits me but I always shoved them away.I don't wanna be a burden to them as well.I'm now being a big burden to my own mother and that's more than enough.

No,it's actually too much

It's the reason why I don't want another person doing things for me.It makes me feel so useless..So small.
I don't want them to take pity me as well.I don't their sympathy either.I don't need those,it's only making me feel worst

"Mina, it's time for you to eat,my child"

I heard a knock on the door,I know it's mom..

I heard a gentle footsteps coming towards me and I heard she placed something on my bedside table,it's probably my food

"I don't wanna eat,mom.I just wanna sleep again"

"honey,please..You didn't also eat last night.I'm getting worried.."

"Mom,please..Just let me do this..I just wanna sleep until I won't wake up anymore..This darkness was driving me crazy mom.."

I felt mom's warm shoulders hugged me and as soon as I fekt the motherly comfort she is giving me,I started crying in her arms again,like the way I used to when I was a child

"Don't say that honey,I don't wanna lose another part of this family.Please Mina,honey..don't leave me and your brother.."

"But I'm scared mom..I'm too scared of this darkness.."

"Then let us be your light,Mina..Me,your brother and your friends are all here for you..Let us help you my child"

"No mom.I can't and I don't want to..I don't want to be a burden to any of you..You all deserve to live your life without me..I deserve this mom"

"Mina please,honey..stop saying that..No one deserves  that okay?Not especially you my child"


"Hush now my child..everything will soon gonna be alright.You just need to be brave and remember that whatever happens,we are all here for you.."

I keep crying in the arms of my mother until I get tired

God,please..I know I've been way too selfish but please,help me get over with this..



Ooops..Another twist..
I guess I should've entitled this story
"twist and turns" ✌️😅
Keep safe everyone..

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