chapter 1

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"Hey Jennie, will you come to the party today?" Mino asked his best friend. "Nah, I'll stay in library today, short revision for my chemistry subject" Jennie explained. Mino sighed, it's not her first time rejecting any events that her friends made. She will come when it's about school events. "You know you should enjoy this time? 1 more year and we're done in university" Mino said. Jennie stopped walking and smiled. "I know, I'll make it up next time, promise" she said. "You promised" Mino chuckled. They both walk toward their classroom, it's Monday and they both will have the same schedule. "Did you finish your assignment already? The one that Mr. Hyun gave us last Monday?" Mino asked. "One more thing left and im done" Jennie replied. "You're so fast" Mino said and helped Jennie to open the classroom door. As soon as they entered their classroom, they're greeted by their friends. "Jendeeeeeukkkkk" Jisoo said waving at her. "You only noticed Jennie while im the hottest one is just beside her" Mino teased. "you know what?" "What?" "There's no mirrors telling that you're the hottest one" Jisoo smirked. "Idiii----" "hey remember you told me you'll not going to call me idiot? Well unless you will buy me another bucket of Mr.Kwang chicken fried?" Jisoo reminded. "You're unbelievable, you know?" "I know" Jisoo laughed. Jennie just laughed hearing her besties having a 'fight' conversation with each other. "Where's V? That idiot is late again" Mino said before taking a seat beside Jennie. "hey , that's my seat you jerk" Jisoo slapped his shoulder. "Girls are so disrespectful towards men and now im afraid if my future girlfriend having the same habit as you" Mino sighed, standing up and sit on his own seat. A loud scream, excited scream could be hear outside. "It's him" Mino said. The door opened revealed V. He's the famous student in that school too. Juniors are the one that become wild whenever they see him. V likes Jennie but he keeps it as a secret all by himself. He's afraid that Jennie might reject him after Jennie told him that Jennie love him as a brother. "Helo handsome and jerk man" Mino and Jisoo greeted. "You both are annoying, go dating with each other instead" V said before sitting in front of Jennie. "Wait what?" "Me? Jisoo? Dating?  I'd rather confess my feeling to that nerd girl." Mino pointed at one of their classmates. "we'll see" V firmly replied. "I can imagine that by the way" Jennie laughed. "Yah Jendeuk, you know yourself that Mino is stupid, short and smell bad. I'd rather date Rosé" Jisoo replied. "ah, talk about her, where is she?" Jennie asked. Class almost start but Rosé is nowhere to be seen. "don't tell me she got insomnia and sleep at 4am again?" Mino said. "Maybe she don't have class this morning?" V added. "Or maybe---" "BITCH TODAY IS SELF STUDY AND NO LECTURER WILL COME" 3 of them shouted, Jennie looked at them in shocked face. "you guys are so loud" Jennie rolled her eyes. "scary scary, calm down" Jisoo laughed. "gosh, how can we forget about this?" Mino scolded himself.

"Well we'll see each other tonight,  except you Jendeuk" Jisoo said , she's giving a big hug to Jennie. "Im sorry, I'll join you guys very soon" Jennie hugged back. "You must" Jisoo said. She bid a goodbye before leaving 3 of her besties alone. "I'll walk you home" V volunteered. "alright, how about you Mino? Won't you come with us too?" Jennie asked. "Nope. I'll stay at here for a while, go on, be safe" Mino said. "Alright then, we're going now" Jennie said. Mino nodded before caressing Jennie's hair. Jennie didn't mind since it's normal for her to get treated like that. Just like that, V and Jennie walking away leaving Mino behind. Their journey going back to Jennie's room feel awkward, V is known as a shy man but he's nice , while Jennie is known as a silent girl and all she know is about study. V cleared his throat before start talking. "I heard that you'll join Volleyball team together with Irene?" He asked. "ah, yeah.. i decided to join since there's no basketball competition game." She said. "I see" V replied. "how about you? There's also volleyball competition open for boys too" Jennie said. "Ah, i already joined hockey team, Mr. Hwang won't allowed us to get 2 games at the same time" V explained. "Well that's okay.. Mino will join you too?" She asked again. "I'll buy a lottery tickets if he ever join sports game" V laughed. "make sense. Jisoo hate sport and i ship them for that" Both of them laugh.

With a small chit-chatting, they finally arrived at Jennie's house. "won't you come in first?" Jennie asked. "nah , get inside now, I'll leave once you get inside." V said. Jennie nodded and bowed politely before unlock her House's door. "you should get going then" she said. "I'll see you tomorrow then" V bid a goodbye. As soon as V gone from her sight, she get inside her small house. She sighed. To be honest, living in this small and quiet house is just stressful. She miss the moment when she supposed to live with her grandma before. But after her grandma passed away 3 years ago, she got nowhere to stay and decided to start a new life in Seoul. Since 15 years old, she separated from her parents. Jennie's mum and her dad divorced when she was 11 years old. She kinda glad that her parents divorced since her dad is a drunker , and all he do after getting drunk is yelling , abusing her mum and Jennie herself. However, it's not what Jennie expected at all. Her mum decided to run away from Jennie and even tried to kill her own daughter. If not because of her grandma visiting her that time, she's absolutely dead now. Maybe it's because life have its own wheel. Sometimes we're down, and sometimes we're on the top of people. That's what Jennie feel. While looking at a beautiful hanbok that her grandma gave her before when she was young, she suddenly cried. Her hand, legs and her body is trembling. "I- i- hat--e th--is" she said crying and fall down. She then used all her strength to sit on her sofa. She hold her hand, biting her nails, crying and crying. "It's hurttt" she cried her words out.

"Hold my hand"

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